Amazon/Uniflasy grate fit?

JKim: I just did a side by side with my RCP grates and the Uniflasy grates in a Silver B cook box. Like I said, if there is a difference in length, it is no more than a 32nd of an inch.

I will measure them this weekend I think mine are 17 3/4 but will check. If the ones Bruce found are the correct length no need to use something else if someone is using the ones he found and still a decent gap it must be the firebox is warped no other explanation I can think of.
Brian, if you have a 1000 or silver B/C, then I doubt you could get 17 3/4" grates in there. I even measured a set of stamped steel grates and there were the same. It is the cook box being warped that is causing the issue. The problem is always in the center. But, like I said, you can push it back into alignment with some finesse.
OK, I did some measuring. My Uniflasy grates are 17 1/4" (maybe a hair less). The original grates are close to the same (a hair longer than 17 1/4"). My grill could comfortably fit grates that were up to 17 5/8" long, and the center of the cookbox is a bit less than 1/8" wider at the center than the edges.

While looking closer at this, I noticed that the Uniflasy grate on the left side had a single rod that was offset from the others so it was sticking out further at the back. I flipped that grate around so it won't rock back and forth on that rod - it seems more stable now so maybe that will take care of my perceived problem.
JKim: I just did a side by side with my RCP grates and the Uniflasy grates in a Silver B cook box. Like I said, if there is a difference in length, it is no more than a 32nd of an inch.


Your picture makes me glad I sprung for the RCplanebuyer grates-
That rod gap on those Uniflasy grates is way too wide.

Your picture makes me glad I sprung for the RCplanebuyer grates-
That rod gap on those Uniflasy grates is way too wide.


There is no doubt that rcplanebuyer grates are the big dog:cool:. But if you take them out of the picture, for a modest price the average grill user I believe would find these way cheaper grates to be very useable and actually pretty nice. A lot better than typical stamped steel or, in my opinion, even the stainless grates of similar design.

Most of us on here are kind of bbq/grill fanatics, so having very high quality grates is something we notice and appreciate. Many others just need something that works reasonably well and won’t rust out in a year. I think these aftermarket stainless rods fit that perfectly.
Well here is my .02 As you know I really get aggravated with the wide spacing. So honestly I would rather have the Weber stamped stainless grates if only for that reason. They have good tight spaces so food does not fall through. But again that's me. I am all about not losing my food between the bars LOL
I think I would prefer the solid stainless grates even with wider spacing. I had the stamped stainless grates for a while on my silver A. They were ok. But I thought they were harder to clean and keep clean. And the grill marks weren't as good as the rod type.

Neither of my grates have the wider spacing. But I don't think that would bother me too much. I generally cook vegetables in foil packets on the grill so the spacing is kind of irrelevant to me.

And I'm not talented enough to cook fish on the bare grates. It always sticks for me. So I cheat and use one of those grill mats.
Neither of my grates have the wider spacing. But I don't think that would bother me too much. I generally cook vegetables in foil packets on the grill so the spacing is kind of irrelevant to me.

And I'm not talented enough to cook fish on the bare grates. It always sticks for me. So I cheat and use one of those grill mats.

Neither of these techniques is really "grilling" you might as well simply put a pan on the grates and do it that way. (which I sometimes will do depending on what I want to cook) but grilling is not wrapping things up or using plastic sheets.
Honestly fish is not that hard. Try something simple like salmon. Buy it skin on. Grill needs to be med hot place it skin side down after seasoning it how you like. If you like smoke in it some alder wood ships in a foil packet under the grates works wonderfully. Wait for smoke, season the fish, place it skin side down and don't touch it. When it's cooked through to your liking (I like mid rare) slide a large spatula between the skin and meat and simply lift off the meat. Let the grill cool and the skin will peel right off for disposal. Grilling veg is fantastic as well. Once you have really good grates and a really good grill and learn how to use them you won't do the cheating route any more. Face it wrap it up and you're steaming not grilling. Use a sheet and you're frying not grilling. Once you open your horizons to how good things are actually grilled you will not go back I promise
I would never own the stamped steel coated or the stamped stainless grates. Seems like every time I get a set on one of my rehab grills, even if they look in good shape, they always have one or more of the welds on the grates broken. Are these Weber or aftermarket, I don't know, but it just seems like they don't hold up for very long even if they are stainless steel.
Lmichaels i appreciate the tips. I'll give it a try.

But I'll disagree it's not "real grilling". Even in the foil packets vegetables on my two old Weber grills imparts a slightly smoky grilled flavor totally different and superior to steaming or baking in the oven. Same for the fish in the grill mat. Both are still delicious.
I've actually had decent luck with used Weber stamped stainless grates (have owned 4-5 sets that came with project grills). 1 set was completely trashed (but it was from a seacoast town), another 2 sets collected about 6 months apart each had a grate with a broken weld (I made 1 good set out of those 4 grates), 1 set was perfectly usable and was sold with a rehabbed grill.

I just snagged another used set this weekend from a trashed grill.
Well here is my .02 As you know I really get aggravated with the wide spacing. So honestly I would rather have the Weber stamped stainless grates if only for that reason. They have good tight spaces so food does not fall through. But again that's me. I am all about not losing my food between the bars LOL

Tighter gaps would be better for sure, but I still think these are quite usable. I think Weber should get credit that their Genesis II grills with stainless rods DO have somewhat tighter spacing.
If Weber is putting the stainless rod grates as standard, then yah, I give them credit for upping their game.

