Amazon/Uniflasy grate fit?


DaveF in IL

TVWBB Member
As part of my Genesis Silver B rehab, I ordered and installed the Uniflasy stainless grates mentioned here from Amazon. I debated back and forth about getting the better grates from RCPlaneBuyer but ended up going the Amazon route - I hadn't cooked on the Genesis yet so I wasn't certain if it was a keeper or not, plus I was a bit lazy and impatient (hard to pass up same-day delivery!).

Anyway, now that I've used the Genesis a few times with these grates, I'm finding that I'm disappointed. I understood the rod size and spacing differences, and I'm OK (but not thrilled) with those. My disappointment is the front to back slop with them. I haven't measured, but the grates seem to be about 3/8" shorter than the front-to-back distance on the grill, causing the grates to move around quite a bit when cleaning them or when moving meat around.

Has anyone else had that problem with the Amazon grates? Are the RCPlaneBuyer grates the same size, or do they fit better?
On my genesis 1000 the rcplanebuyer grates don't fit exactly despite being made for that grill. But they are so heavy they don't move and the gap doesn't matter. My other set of grates from bbq parts also have that gap but they are also heavy enough not to move.
Dave, I see the same issue. As long as they don't fall in, I guess it is OK, but it is annoying. I don't know why, but it seems they could make them about 1/4" longer. Are they trying to save 50 cents per grate or what?

One thing however is that I see many of my rehab grills where the front of the cook box is bowed out slightly and the fit in the center is really sketchy. I think it is a symptom of the cook box warp issue.
Many of those grills you guys rehab are put to the side by previous owners due to lack of care i.e. not cleaning them out. They get a huge inferno inside and the people blame the grill and that huge fire usually damages the cook box by warping it which most likely accounts for the issue(s) you're seeing
Larry, I think you are 100% correct. I have found many of my cook boxes slightly bowed out all along the front edge. The middle of the front is where the worst grate fitment is. I noticed on my latest E3xx as well and set the cook box on its back edge and simply put a little pressure down on the middle of the front and it "warped" right back into place.

Yes, I know it is extremely EASY to crack cast aluminum, but I was careful. And the newer grill cook boxes are much thinner than the older Silver B's and 1000's, so while they warp easier, they also go back into shape easier. I haven't tried reforming a Silver or 1000 cook box yet, but I will if the need arises.
When I was doing rehabs I always had a piece of string in my pocket to go edge to edge on the fire box, pull it tight and if there was the slightest bow you could see it. Almost all of them had some bow but if it was much more than an 1/8" I would pass. Didn't see any with a bow in the back, maybe because the lid mounts help support it.
I'm sure warping might account for some of the front to back gap in some instances. But I'm not sure even the stock grates are designed to fit tightly into place without a gap?

Again my two grills have high quality grates and they both have a significant gap. And my non weber cheapo grills always did too. I think the weight of most cast iron or stainless grates makes it a non issue.
In my case at least the front and back edges of the cookbox are perfectly straight, so I don't think that's the issue. None of the previous grills I've owned (non-Weber) had that much slop so I guess I'm just surprised. Granted, the heavier grates (cast iron or maybe the RCP stainless) probably stay put a little better, but I was also hoping maybe they just fit better in the first place in case I decide to upgrade.

I suppose another factor is after enough cooking, some gunk will probably build up and help hold them in place better...
Dave my 2 stainless grates are heavy enough they don't move AT ALL. Even during cleaning. Just FYI. :)
tyhyde, lay the fire box on it's back and slowly (carefully) push down on the front top edge of it to try to "unwarp" it. I just did that to a Silver B. Be careful though because cast aluminum will "break" if pushed too far..
I was actually referencing a movie, that particular quote involved those ping pong ball style paddle toys where a rubber ball is attached to a wooden paddle.
As part of my Genesis Silver B rehab, I ordered and installed the Uniflasy stainless grates mentioned here from Amazon. I debated back and forth about getting the better grates from RCPlaneBuyer but ended up going the Amazon route - I hadn't cooked on the Genesis yet so I wasn't certain if it was a keeper or not, plus I was a bit lazy and impatient (hard to pass up same-day delivery!).

Anyway, now that I've used the Genesis a few times with these grates, I'm finding that I'm disappointed. I understood the rod size and spacing differences, and I'm OK (but not thrilled) with those. My disappointment is the front to back slop with them. I haven't measured, but the grates seem to be about 3/8" shorter than the front-to-back distance on the grill, causing the grates to move around quite a bit when cleaning them or when moving meat around.

Has anyone else had that problem with the Amazon grates? Are the RCPlaneBuyer grates the same size, or do they fit better?

Dave, on some of the Amazon reviews been a long time I was looking at some of the bars and maybe not this brand but others many mentioned they were not long enough short about a 1/4 of an inch think Bruce said the same thing. I have the stamped stainless grates from BBQ parts not the rods they seem to fit perfectly can you post the length they are and I will see if the grates I have are longer out of curiosity.
OK, I couldn't take it any longer. I had to know. I have a new set of Uniflasy grates, a used set of stamped Stainless steel grates and my used RCPlanebuyer grates. Guess which one of them was the shortest?????????????????????

None, they were all 17.25" to with in a 32nd of an inch.
So Bruce, you haven't really responded to my off-topic thing. "Why do I always get a warped one?"
THyde: I have been avoiding it. I am familiar with the wooden paddle and rubber ball on a rubber band thing, but I am clueless on the reference to it. :confused:
Very funny film. Mr. Brooks should be proud. Also bent the acceptable norms, a great film.

To get back to grills, why do I always get a warped one?

Ha ha,


