Am I out of line?



TVWBB Member
A friend and I are vending at a competition in a couple of weeks. We have several people coming down to help us out and one of his friends is coming down and will be wearing a tank top we pre ordered for the event. I have a problem with this person serving food with armpit hair sticking out and my partner doesnt. Am I out of line insisting that they wear a shirt?
Gotta agree with you, not to mention being around or serving food, yuck. If you feel that way gotta believe it will effect potential customers.
Ditch this tanks.
I have no problem with him wearing a tank top. So long as he has a t-shirt underneath. Need to keep the pits and feet covered. Not my $.02,but good basic food service sanitation!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Albert Adato:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by craig castille:
For food service, a tank top is inappropriate.
That is precisely what I been meaning to tell the Hooters’s mgr every time I go in twice a week and once on Sunday after church…

Flaco </div></BLOCKQUOTE>Hey Flaco, Why not just have church at Hooter's!
I say split the difference... they can wear it if they shave their pits!! Otherwise you need something more presentable.

Lets be real... I girl can get away with serving in a bikini top but no one wants to see some dude with hair flying out of their shirt. I would even take issue with a tank top dude to the neckline being so low.
That's just gross.

Most food service health codes require hair nets, etc? Does your local code address facial or armpit hair? I'm only half joking.
Vending for profit?

If so, are you going to take the risk of offending customers? All it takes is one person complaining out loud and you'll lose business.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Albert Adato:
It just depends on what part of the "South" the event is being held...

OK, OK, OK I was just kidding... remember I also live in the "South"...

Flaco </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

only geographically, bless your heart.
The tank does seem a bit unsanitary. I agree with Phil and Ray, a T-shirt at least. Or a button-up worn unbuttoned on top would work too.
There's no way I'm taking food from a guy wearing a tank top. Just smacks of unsanitary. By the way, I might as well say it now, this thread is the pits JMO of course
I once got a styrofoam container of to-go pulled pork that had a short curly hair stuck to the side. I didn't go back there for years. An armpit hair would look similar and be equally unapetizing. Insist that he wear a t-shirt under the tanktop.

Just ask the dude-in-tank-top to wear proper clothes or stay at home. IMHO you don't need to explain yourself to him or your partner. It is enough that you feel uncomfortable with this issue - it does not need additional reasoning..

