All-grilled dinner: Pork chops, CIS potatoes, romaine, and asparagus


Sean H

I had the urge to do an all-in-one-kettle dinner, so I came up with this as the menu:

  1. Pork chops
  2. Cast-iron skillet potatoes
  3. Grilled romaine
  4. Roasted asparagus

I fired up the trusty OTS, and led with the potatoes:


After a little while, the pork chops wanted in on the action, too. I marinated them for 5 hours in a mix of cider vinegar, lime juice, tequila, and a dash of sriracha. Then I rubbed them up with kosher salt, fresh ground pepper, garlic powder, cumin, and chili powder.

On the grill:


I left the chops on indirect too cook for awhile. In the meantime, I also put the asparagus on, and grilled up the romaine pieces (didn't get any action shots of those, sorry). Here's a shot of everything (minus the potatoes) on a platter, waiting to be served:


And plated, ready to eat!


I could have taken my chops off the grill sooner, as they were cooked a little too much for my liking. Still, they remained juicy (thanks marinade!), and had a lot of great flavor going on. And it ended up being a great meal. I think I may try this marinade/rub mix on chicken next. Thanks for looking!
Beautiful grillin' Sean!

Lve grilled Romaine, haven't done it sinmce summer...
thanks for the push!
Lovely plated food that grilled romaine is something I have not attempted as of yet!! Looks good!

