Al Pastor Tacos for the First Time


Rich Dahl

R.I.P. 7/21/2024
Awhile back I posted about a little Mexican grocery store we recently found. Well after seeing all the great tacos and other south of the border cooks I’ve seen on here we decided maybe we should try something a little more adventurous than our standard enchiladas and basic tacos.
We found a Rick Bayless recipe for Grilled Pork Tacos Al Pastor that looked like something we would like to try.
We got what we needed at the little store and also picked up a half pound of their homemade Al Pastor to compare against what we made.
We were pleased with the results it came out really tasty and with the chips and salsa from the Mexican store it was a great meal. Need to change a few things but not much and comparing ours to theirs, they tasted almost identical





Whitney keeping a watch for any attacking lizards



Have a great week.
Al pastor is my favorite Rich! I haven't found a suitable recipe yet. Outstanding cook! I bet it was delicious!
Great looking cook Rich and Barb. Makes me want to go to the Mexican restuarant over by my daughters house. We love good mexican food but haven't tried making the good stuff yet. Great cook and have a good week.
Great looking tacos. And the Genesis looks like it just rolled off the showroom floor!
Looks outstanding!!! Al Pastor is one of the cheapest marinated meats we can get at a Carniceria and its really good so I have never bothered to try and recreate it at home.

