After Nearly 30 Years

If I did do that I could leave the wheels at my dad's or my brother who lives close by you over in Mundelein or you could meet me there as well
It looks like I won't be heading down to work on the car for a bit as we are waiting for parts. I am going to my mom's in Mundelein on Monday to help her with some chores and have dinner. I realize that may be too short notice, but I'll probably be there again before I go down to Naperville.

If you are interested, I have a pretty decent frame that was my dad's grill, but it is the old style with the center lower cross bar and the east-west lower boards.

If you are interested, I have a pretty decent frame that was my dad's grill, but it is the old style with the center lower cross bar and the east-west lower boards.


That would be a cool thing to use to give this grill another chance! :coolkettle:
If you are interested, I have a pretty decent frame that was my dad's grill, but it is the old style with the center lower cross bar and the east-west lower boards.

I don't think my SIL would care. He just wants his "baby" back on it's feet :D I still have a bit of a jonesing for that platinum because of the giant work table and that beautiful side burner. It looks like I might be able to get that side burner on to my own 2000. Since the upper frame rails and their dimensions are the same as the 2000's. So MAYBE if I get your frame, transfer the SIL's stuff over to it and shoot the kid with the platinum a lowball offer and simply remove panels, wire basket, and other bits and pieces I can make my grill a 2000+? Oh decisions decisions. Bruce can you weigh on my welding idea?
Ok. My frame is stashed away in the garage attic. Let me know if you want it and I'll get it down.
Edit, We are thinking of heading to Monroe to get some cheese. It would be possible to drop it off at your place on the way.
OK well here's the deal. I went to look at it. For me I don't care but the fire box needs work. The grease pan rails and the grease tray are totally gone. But the frame is pretty roached. BUT I was thinking I would post photos of it and hopefully someone on the board..............Bruce.........Bruce might be interested in helping out with some welding? Bruce, if you would be interested in helping out I could buy the thing, strip it down to the bare frame, buy the needed steel and maybe meet you in Madtown? And when done meet you again? I am sure if need be some type of compensation/trade what have you could be worked out? Or if anyone knows if that wonderful side burner would fit (I think it would) on the frame rails of my 2000? The lid is BADLY faded as well so it's of no use though I would likely keep the handle, The side burner looks to have never been used. Still shiny clean and all intact as well. I am kinda jonesing for this grill BUT don't want to go over my head. So welders......................Bruce?...........weigh in for me
Anyway here are the photos I took
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Larry, That frame is pretty far gone...Way far gone. I would not try to save it. I would replace it. Even if you get out the visible rusted sections and replace those, my guess is that there are other areas that are close to failing as well.
Larry, I have a platinum II frame I could part with....I think it is decent condition.
I pulled the firebox screw...surprisingly, it came right out.

It looks like the frame is in good condition. There does appear to be some surface rust, but the crossmember and especially the area around the cook box screw hole is solid. The rest of the frame is solid as well.

You are looking at the hole for the cook box bold where the cookbox meets the frame. THe black thing above the cross member is the side shelf, not the cook box.

Is that a cabinet style frame or open cart? If open cart, do you think I could take parts from the one that kid has and convert to cart?
It is open cart. But, yah, I have no reason to believe you could not swap over the cabinet and doors. I am sure they are identical frames.
Bruce, do you think the side table and the side burner from one of those could be adapted to a standard Genesis 2000 frame? If so I may just make a lowball at the kid with that other grill and salvage what I can scrap the rest
That I do not know. I would need to do some more investigating. I don't have time right now. Maybe later this afternoon.
Larry, it would not be a direct swap, but I do think it could be adapted. The side table bars on these Plat 2 grills are raised to accomodate the tables and burner. You can see the stick up about two inches higher than the frame. I see two possible solutions. One would be to put in some kind of spacers to raise the side table about 2" or cut out the left (inside) edge of the side table with an angle grinder and cutting wheel or similar. so that it would sit flush on the frame extension of a regular grill.

Here are some pictures. I hope they help show what I mean.

So how are are the side table and burner held in place? By those 5/16" screws I see under there? It looks like the legs stick up about an inch or so above the frame and then the 2 rails that hold the table and burner on sit on top of that?
Yep, they are 5/16" inch screws. I took 4 of them out and they look to be the exact same screws they use on the slide rails on the bottom of the fire box. So actually, if you used spacers, they would not need to be very tall.
It is raining out pretty good now and I couldn't get all six of the screws out without getting adapters and the like. If you want more details, it will have to wait.

