After Nearly 30 Years



TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
So after nearly 30 years of use since I bought it new in 1992 my poor old Genesis met it's match at my son in law's house (I gifted it to them as a house warming) at the hands of a roofing contractor who was VERY careless. They some how smashed it and the words "it's dead Jim" seem to have meaning. I think it can be saved with a new frame or some judicious welding. Ideas? Anyone have a spare frame?
So after nearly 30 years of use since I bought it new in 1992 my poor old Genesis met it's match at my son in law's house (I gifted it to them as a house warming) at the hands of a roofing contractor who was VERY careless. They some how smashed it and the words "it's dead Jim" seem to have meaning. I think it can be saved with a new frame or some judicious welding. Ideas? Anyone have a spare frame?
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That's got the gangsta lean... It's a flaw in that frame design in my opinion. Pretty common and fixable. The tabs that hold the legs on peeled off the frame.

Any of these or a combination will work...

You can attach gussets at the corners to square up and brace the frame

You can add 1" square tube and threaded inserts to the lower frame to square up and brace the frame.

You can break out the welder and grinder and weld away

I have one in my yard where the guy used a 1/4 piece of plywood on the back of the frame and fastened four sides with screws. It's sturdy
From what I can see the lid and the firebox don't look damaged. I would look for a donner grill with a good frame and just swap it out.
Gives a new meaning to "it's totaled"
I am thinking about buying the one in the link for myself and giving the SIL my frame if I can drop my firebox and manifold into the frame of the one on the link I put up. Any thoughts?
I'd make the roofer pay for the repairs since they should be bonded. I'd at least want the eight broken weld points repaired or a totally new frame fabricated. Still would be cheaper for them than replacing the total grill at today's prices.
I am thinking about buying the one in the link for myself and giving the SIL my frame if I can drop my firebox and manifold into the frame of the one on the link I put up. Any thoughts?
Yup, I'd do the same. I'd buy the one you posted on FB and have that one as the keeper and give your SIL your old one when fixed up. The one you posted has the closed cabinet (that's not prone to rusting) and those nice side tables and side burner. I have one of those and use it as my daily driver.
Honestly, what fell on it to bend like that. That frame looks to be in great shape. I believe the tabs that hold the "legs" in place are on the horizontal tubes and are held in by screws. It's just a matter of straightening them back out. However, the problem I see is the crossbars on the bottom that holds the slates. They are held in by long SS screws. Having it bent will pose a problem in getting them out. And if it is unfortunately not rusted out, it's a PITA to break, drill and pull out the tube insert.

Would have the contractor take off some of the roofing bill for this damage. Unfortunately claiming it against them isn't going to get much in return. Due to it's age, it's value is more on the sentimental side vs. open market. It's an unfortunate situation but that's I believe is the reality.
Larry, that is one of those maybe grills, but if that platinum has the 13 bar deep fire box, then you should be good to go to swap cook boxes with the broken grill.
It should have the 13 bar firebox as it looks like the same one that Jeff MA rehabbed, only a difft. color hood and closed cart.

I'd make the roofer pay for the repairs since they should be bonded.
The roofing company gave him $350 for the damages. I was thinking that if the firebox and all is the same I could turn that Platinum into my "keeper" as it gives me the side burner I want so much and a closed cart that I like.
Yah, go for it as long as the cabinet is not all rusted out. Hopefully with the wire bottom, it allowed the sides and back to ventilate well over the past 15+ years. Keep us posted.
That wrecked grill has the older style wheels that I could use if you are going to part with them.

Sure Gerry. I don't think I will bother trying to salvage the frame. He said they hit it with a piece of equipment so I doubt that unless I want to go through tons of work it can be saved. The frame on my current Genesis 2000 is solid and basically all I would have to do is swap the lid for the kid and drop the side burner on from the old grill. And you would not be able to tell the difference. Though I do think I might miss that swing up side table on the 2000. It's the newer slide type. The one on the old one is the old rid in the hole type
If I did do that I could leave the wheels at my dad's or my brother who lives close by you over in Mundelein or you could meet me there as well
Larry, the slide for the swing table would be an easy transfer to the other frame.
So I am wondering. Is the fire box interchangeable to this?
I am thinking about buying the one in the link for myself and giving the SIL my frame if I can drop my firebox and manifold into the frame of the one on the link I put up. Any thoughts?

The Fire Box on that Platinum 3200 is the same 13 bar box as your 30 year old grill as well as the Burner Tubes and Manifold. It would be an easy swap.

I say go for it!

OK well here's the deal. I went to look at it. For me I don't care but the fire box needs work. The grease pan rails and the grease tray are totally gone. But the frame is pretty roached. BUT I was thinking I would post photos of it and hopefully someone on the board..............Bruce.........Bruce might be interested in helping out with some welding? Bruce, if you would be interested in helping out I could buy the thing, strip it down to the bare frame, buy the needed steel and maybe meet you in Madtown? And when done meet you again? I am sure if need be some type of compensation/trade what have you could be worked out? Or if anyone knows if that wonderful side burner would fit (I think it would) on the frame rails of my 2000? The lid is BADLY faded as well so it's of no use though I would likely keep the handle, The side burner looks to have never been used. Still shiny clean and all intact as well. I am kinda jonesing for this grill BUT don't want to go over my head. So welders......................Bruce?...........weigh in for me
Anyway here are the photos I took

