Accent / msg


Drew M

TVWBB Member
Did the BRITU recipe for the first time yesterday. Ribs came out great. But they were a little salty for my taste, I will cut back a bit on the salt next time. But I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the addition of Accent is supposed to accomplish? What flavor does it add to the meat? I am curious because I am wondering if maybe the Accent was adding to the saltiness. Any thoughts?

Accent (another name for MSG) is a flavor enhancer. It will make different flavors stand out. I don't think it will make the ribs saltier but not completely sure. I always add a bit of accent into most rubs that I make and don't notice any extra saltiness.
Drew, I thought the BRITU rub was too salty as well. In fact, most rub recipes seem to be salt-heavy. The other mistake I made early on was using too much rub, which may have added to the saltiness. A light dusting is all that's needed.

I agree with Jeff. Most commercial rubs are way to salty. I would rather make from a recipe and modify for less salt. I have been using SYD rub recipe and am now modifying it for less salt. Remember, you get a lot of flavor from the other spices in the rub. Another way to cut down on salt taste is to using garlic powder or granulated garlic instead of garlic salt. This applies to many other spices. It is more healthy and will taste better in the long run. And more importantly, SWMBO will be much happier.

