About to acquire a 18" WSM. What accessories should I get along with it?



New member
Hey folks,

I'm finally going to get my hands on a brand spanking new 18" WSM to complement my Genesis E310 (wife not so thrilled). Aside from the chimney starter, Mavrick thermometer probes, charcoal, wood chunks, what other accessories should I get? Should I be looking at getting the gasket kit? lid hinge? Extra charcoal grate? Any good recommendations on grilling gloves? If there's any "must haves this will make your WSM much better", let me know! I'll probably hold off on the bbq guru for now. maybe after I get a few cooks under the belt. Thanks!
The first thing you want to do is cook on it for a while to learn temperature control. I have done all of the mods on my WSM22, but the most important thing is to learn how yours works without all that. Once you have a few cooks in, you will know if there are any major leaks or things that need to be done. Also, get some good cooks in so the wife will realize what a good investment you made. She will be more likely to not complain about future investments. Speaking of the Maverick, check out the new remote therm from Thermoworks. It is a little more than the Maverick but the quality is far superior. The key here is to learn how it works and get comfortable with the WSM and then figure out what you want to do. Good luck.
If it were me... id get the Cajun bandit SST door and gasket kit, I dont mess around with secetion gaskets and as said above I'd look into the Thermoworks Smoke over the Maverick been hearing great things lately and mine is on order. Also id recommend a BBQ Guru
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I recommend the Maverick probes & the slot mod (http://www.virtualweberbullet.com/cutting-a-probe-thermometer-slot.html). Unless you are into low & slow, the gaskets are not necessary. I'd hold off on the Cajun Bandit door. I had an automatic temp controller, but just didn't use it - sold it for a loss.

A hanging rack & hooks is a must have for me. A Cajun Bandit Rotisserie set-up is worthwhile, imho. Welding gloves or heavy duty BBQ mits are just plain necessary.

Like others have mentioned, get a few cooks under your belt & find out what you want to do with the cooker.
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One ascessory I would definitely recommend is TWO rib racks. Ribs normally come three racks to a package. I ALWAYS want to do them all at once. We package the leftovers with a Vaccum Sealer and freeze. I like to keep ribs on hand at all times. Thirty minutes in an oven with some sauce and it is ready to go.

I cut all ribs in two and that makes six halves. I put three on the top rack and three on the bottom rack. These racks are quite similar (if not identical) to the racks I have (my brand is no longer in business). One advantage of cutting the ribs in half and putting in rib racks, that I do not see mentioned, is that the ribs are perfectly cooked end to end. No overcooked tips, etc. I LIKE that. I wrap all of my ribs when the bark is set. I remove the rib racks, wrap the ribs, then put the package of ribs that was on the top on the bottom and vice versa. You can just simply stack the packages without issue.


Good luck and we will want to see your cooks on here! We LOVE to share cooks...

Keep on smokin',
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If you learn to use the WSM and master it without the add ons, you may find that you do not need any of them after all. Chimney starter is all I want to use.
Keep it simple.
Great advice!! I'm going to hold off on the accessories and just practice the temp control on a few small cooks. I already own the maverick so probably thermosorks will have to wait as well. Any good recommendations on gloves? Amazon had a ton of various BBQ gloves but would love to hear some input from you all. Thanks!!
Best working gloves for hot bbq food are knit string gloves available from Harbor Freight and other. Wear a pair of Nitril glove over the string gloves. BBQ competitors do this all of the time. Cheap and readily available.
Best working gloves for hot bbq food are knit string gloves available from Harbor Freight and other. Wear a pair of Nitril glove over the string gloves. BBQ competitors do this all of the time. Cheap and readily available.


