A Platypus Walks Into A Bar...


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
A platypus walks into a bar and asks the bartender, "Got any shrimp?"
The bartender says, "No, now go away!."

The platypus walks in to the bar again and says, "Got any shrimp?"
The bartender says, "No, and if you ask me that one more time I'll staple your webbed feet into the floor!"

The platypus walks into the bar again and now asks, "Do you have any staples?"
And the bartender says, "No."

Then the platypus says, "Got any shrimp?"
LOL! I'm starting to worry about you Jim, wonder if it's that Hendricks gin that I can't find anywhere yet. My son is checking California for me, they've got as many liquor stores as gas stations there. One on every corner just about.
Sorry Rich, haven't had one
yet... still mowin' the lawn
???? Why did the platypus want staples?

The platypus walks in to the bar again and says, "Got any shrimp?"
The bartender says, "No, and if you ask me that one more time I'll staple your webbed feet into the floor!"
...since the bartender HAD NO STAPLES....
the platypus will ask AGAIN, "Got any shrimp?"
Why did he ask for shrimp Jim?
silly question Bob.
a platypus spends an average of 12 hours a day searching for food...
a platypus is a carnivore (like YOU and ME).
the platypus' diet consists mainly of SHRIMP, crayfish, insect larvae and worms.

any other silly questions, Bob?
Don't worry about asking silly questions, Bob. I didn't even know they could talk! :p linda
I've actually heard a version of that joke before! Except it was a duck walking into a store asking for grapes. I like your version better!
I ain't even going to go there or I'd end up saying something like 'there is a strong resemblance', but I won't go there. Meant the hat of course, but you knew that.
Ya big chicken Rich, just say I have a beak like a platypus. :p
Got it from my pop.


