A Few Recent Cooks


Cee El

TVWBB Super Fan
Hi All,

Been having to do my share of "hanging in there" lately, just life in general. This is my therapy. Enjoy!!

1. Bought these after a fairly long night @ work

I hadn't used the WSM in months. I bought a rib rack from Lowe's, cut the ribs in half, no seasoning. Smoked with mesquite cuz it's what I had. Sprayed periodically with soy sauce and Dr. Pepper.

Don't remember how long they smoked. Cut them up and sauced with Blues Hog.

2. Big Burger-furgers. Really been digging these lately. Don't know what the markup is (probably making a killin') but looks like a deal to me.

Seasoned up and put on the new Smokey Joe Silver

Did some chicken legs on the OTG, also new. My wife is awesome. Oldest girl loves chicken.

All done. Thanks for looking.
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