A couple of restoration projects

In another thread, this color was recommended as a very close match to the grey paint color on 300 series genesis.

Search for Massey Ferguson and it will pop up.

I have yet to use it so I can't comment firsthand.

I have had no luck geting MF Gray at my Tractor Supply store. Slot has been empty on that shelf for months. Anyone else had success recently?
Oh.....one more thing on the red top.

The cross tube has a clip to hold the middle burner in place. It appears that clip was welded to the crossover tube. Well, as I was moving some stuff around to clean it out, the clip "unwelded" from the crosstube. Any creative ways to keep that middle burner tube in place? The burners are in decent shape and I'd hate to have to buy a new set of burners just for that.
That happened to me once. I used a piece of wire to make a hanger for the burner. Just looped it under the burner and over the crossover on both sides of the burner. Did not affect operation at all.
It looks like the VHT Flame Proof in Cast Iron is becoming a difficult find. You can get the 550 degree Engine Paint version fairly readily (not cheap), but I only saw one outrageous ad on eBay in a brief internet search. Could mean we will have to update this comparison. I have some to do, and I was hoping the VHT would be the solution.
I think for now I can get away without the HIgh Heat since I will only be doing the rusty areas near the bottom of the frame. I really don't think my cook box or anything near it needs to be painted now. But would be nice to have for the future.

