A big thank you to this board!


Tom L

My first attempt at pulled pork was a huge success and I owe a huge thank you to this board. I started with 2 butts, one at 8.2 lbs. and the other at 10.4 lbs. I injected and rubbed according to the Chris Lilly directions. Put the butts on the smoker at 7 in the morning at 275 grill temp.

Pulled that night and added Mr. Kruger's finishing sauce.

Made the bastardized Piedmont sauce and some No. 5...

and was told by many family members how delicious the pork was. The ultimate compliment was my 4 year old daughter kept coming by and stealing more and more off of my plate.

Thanks to all who share their recipes, ideas and make this board possible.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content"> Thanks to all who share their recipes, ideas and make this board possible.

I whole-heartedly second that!
Glad everything worked out for you. I agree that this is a great forum with great people willing to help us newbies (note proper spelling of newbie).

