8# mid and point brisket



TVWBB Hall of Fame
Need to empty down the freezer so started thawing this days ago. Close to fully thawed last night so I dry brined it overnight, exposed.

Dressed with SPG and got this on the WSK around 20 minutes ago.

Running B&B briqs with two white oak chunks.


Chicken fat paper towels.


Water pan to help regulate the early part of the cook.


Scraped the grates some.


Point side to the front as that’s where I started the fire from.


Estimating 6-7 hours for this cook. Plan to wrap around 165-170. Depending how the bark looks and how it’s rendered.

The flat was turned into burgers a few weeks back. Cap and all.
Yeah, would love to see the sandwich photos! 8 pounds is a very nice size for a brisket. Very manageable. Looks awesome!
Yeah, would love to see the sandwich photos! 8 pounds is a very nice size for a brisket. Very manageable. Looks awesome!
sandos might be dinner tonight. depends how the day goes.

i think i bought an 11 pound brisket to start and lopped off the flat for burgers and then froze the mid/point. it was a very easy cook and not a ton of leftovers, which is nice. i sliced the brisket thin on purpose with the plan for sandwiches after. the only think i'd do differently next time is maintain 250F on the start through the stall. this LAS is too long for a done product in my books. but it was delicious. no complaints from anyone. and the garlic sour pickles i made a few weeks back paired really well with this meal (and i had sides of slaw and mac n cheese).

