6 rolled racks......



New member
I've got 6 racks of St. Louis ribs (about 30 lbs) that I want to put on the two grates. What kind of cooking time am I looking at with a temp range between 235-275?
6 rolled racks should take the same amount of time it takes you to do 1 rolled rack. It might just take you a little longer to get to temp. The temp range you mentioned your looking at 4-6 hours.
Mine would be done in five hours or so at 250* (water in the pan), but I'd start off with nearly the whole top layer (or most of a chimney) lit.
In order to maintain 235-250 I have all of the vents open full and I have to keep the door off. Does this sound normal?
I would be checking the thermometer. You should not have any problem reaching 275 with the bottom vents open, the top vent open with the door closed. What R U doing for fuel and how much R U lighting?
Start with enough lit charcoal and some hot water. The therm is easily removed to check for accuracy, you shouldn't need to mess with cracking the door.
+1 on check the therm.

Also, do you live above 4000 feet altitude?

Did you put hot/boiling water in the water pan? Cold water would hold the temps down.

You have a lot of meat in there so it might take a little time to get up to temp but should hold there with the door shut and all vents open.

Possibly check to make sure vents are all the way open and not blocked by coals or ash when you poured in the charcoal or lit charcoal. Seems unlikely but I did have some blockage once that prevented a couple vents from opening all the way.

