4 Butts on the WSM. Is it beer thirty yet??


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
Making pulled pork for my son-in-law's birthday party this coming Saturday.
Outside temp is about 55, partly cloudy, with a light breeze.

9:00 AM


9:30 AM
Hickory, pear, and cherry wood for smoke.

Hood temp locked in at 233. Blue smoke rising.

Tempted to crack open a cold one, but I ain't as young as I used to be, so I'll wait a bit.
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2:30 PM, 5 hours in, first butt check, and first beer.
Don't normally mop, but thought
"Wonder how a mop of Wicker's marinade and apple butter would taste"
we shall see. (not that I think a mop adds much flavor)
Bumped the temp up to 275.

Making pulled pork on a WSM is only labor intensive at the start, and at the finish.
This afternoon I started with a beer, and Southern Rock on Pandora.
This evening I finished with bourbon, and Otis Redding:)

This was about an 11 hour cook. I bumped the temp up to 300 the last 2 hours.
I wanted the pork chilled fast, so I used ice water in the bottom of a double pan.



No bones about it, this old man is ready for bed!

About 22 lbs. of raw, gave a yield of about 13 lbs. pulled.
Less, of course, the puller's share.

Thank you if you've followed along, and good night!
Looks like a great day there Bob!
I bet the B-day party will be a great success with some great eats.
Wow Bob your the man...holding out till 230 for that first beer(oh ya and your cooking too)..very nice pics and cook Bob! Looks super good to me!
If i have enough time in my day to hang around the smoker i like to start drinking once the fire is stable. In these situations I have also found that i should drink like i'm cooking, low and slow!
HO CHEE WAWA!! Your son in law is one LUCKY guy. Looks great!! I'm willing to bet there was some Allman Bros Band helping out in the beginning. BTW, I'm holding out for a WSM. Thanks Bob. Great pics, cook, as would be expected from the grizzled vet of smoke and fire :)
i figured when the chimney starts smoking i can have a beer and what not. your butts look fantastic. great color to them.
Another quality post mate! And the time is always half past beer time! So get in shape....you already missed a few...
The pulled pork looks fantastic, Bob! Photos are top notch as well. Thanks for sharing, and enjoy the B-day party tomorrow.
Very nice look pulled pork, you are making me regret not getting a butt to smoke today while I watched football all day.

