4-2-10 method for brisket.



TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Just saw this while searching around for ideas.
Any one try it? Seems overkill to me but I don't do a lot of briskets and when I do it's HH and done in under 8 hrs.
I don't do a lot of brisket but 4-2-10 looks like too much work.

I can hold stable temps easily on the BGE or the WSK so I just pick a temp and let it roll.

four hours at 225, then two hours at 285F is feasible, but lowering temp to 150F - 190F for 10 hours is not reasonable for me,
Made brisket on Sunday....just rolled a nice 260 on the WSK......wrapped later on around 175, came out great....pics in the near future.
Those 2 links are completely different.

First one is 4 hours 225, 2 hours 285, 10 hours wrapped (in pan) at 195.
Second one is 4 hours at 225, 2 hours wrapped in foil, and 10 more hours unwrapped (no temperature listed, so assuming 225).

Way more confusing than my typical: dry brine 24 hours, cooking to the stall at 250 degrees, then wrapping in butcher paper with tallow and taking it to butter tender.
I don't have a lot of brisket experience, but I have done a few. I was much happier with the results when cooked at 275 than with cooks below 275. I'll also admit, I don't get why you can't cook as low as 145. Everything but poultry is done at 145, so what's wrong with cooking at 145? Yeah, I get it that the time during the cook until the internal temp reaches 145 could promote bacteria growth, but long as you hit 145, any bacteria grown dies (except in poultry) And no, I'm not suggesting cooking at 145, I'm just saying I don't get it
No thanks. All that effort?

No matter how much time and effort you put into a brisket, at the end you still have brisket.

It will never turn into chocolate cake, or single malt scotch, or pecan pie. It will still be a brisket
250 is the sweat spot for me. I spritze about every hour AFTER the initial 2 hours.

I wrap my brisket around 170-175. Recently I have been doing Bradley Robinson's foil boat method. Really produces a beautiful bark. I pull the brisket between 195-205 depending on how it proves.
Then I wrap in towel, throw it in a cooler with a hot firebrick and rest it for 4 hours.

