(4) 10lb butts on 18.5" WSM....how long?

Willie, Mark, Nicolus, and others on why I've been harping about residual cooking in a cooler lately...

Don't want to side-track Willie's thread, but I think it's highly relevant when Willie's being advised about putting FORTY POUNDS of just pulled off the pit hot pork in a cooler for more than a couple of hours, so here's my recent bbq aha moment if anyone is interested. Sorry so long, but it was a kind of "detail" post.

I cooked four 9 pounders on my 18.5 and the first was ready in 16 hours and the last at 18 hours. However, my grate temp never exceeded 230 degrees and I had water in the pan. The butts on the lower rack were the ones that finished last. That might give you an indication of approximate time required at that grate temp on a hot day.
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@ Lew, thanks for the info. You qty and weights are probably as close to my setup as i have seen thus far. I'm kinda thinking 9pm might be the way to go for having the meat on the grates.
First off Willy nice save.

Secondly, Dave I couldn't agree more with what you have to say. In a perfect world the butts would come off rest for 30 tented and then be pulled and eaten.

But we all know we can't figure out when they will be do exactly. So when cooking for a crowd I feel that holding it is the best option. Thus why in one of my my fist posts I recommend pulling it early if a long rest was going to happen. To try and minimize the effect the long rest has on the meat.

Needless to say Willy you will do great, trust me, it will turn out wonderful. Your guests will eat it up and love it.

Remember were northern folk who have no idea what great Q is. We've grown up with Lloyds, so anything tastes amazing.

You will do just fine don't fret and please report back with the results.
Thanks Mark!

Don't worry, I'll be posting on here all night long
If i don't get to sleep, why should your inbox!
Just wanted to clear up something I said.

Above when I said "Pulling early" this means pulling off the smoker early. Not pulling the pork early.

I've been pulling mine off around 190 and holding for 2-4 hours with good luck. YMMV

It sound like you have your plan. I would say bump up the heat to 250 or slightly higher. Anything below that only extends the cook. Also, put the meat on when you fire up the cooker because with that much you will have to restabilize the temps if you had already dialed it in. And finally start checking for tender at 190 or earlier, do not just pull off the WSM at that temp.

Just my thoughts. Good luck and enjoy.

