3AM Brisket and ribs


John Mongrue

TVWBB Member
After having a great night with old friends and strolling in at 2AM, I announced to my wife, "I am going to start the brisket!" I didn't think to take into account the bad weather we've been having the past few days because I know "what I'm doing." Let's just say I thought having a few nightcaps would be a good idea as well. The brisket was already rubbed and waiting as well as the ribs.
3AM-brisket on

5:34AM-Awakened by a thunderstorm which required vent adjustment to stoke low fire.
7:30AM-ribs on above brisket
Temp dialed in, time to sleep some more
9:30 AM-more rain, WSM running at 265°, adjust vents to get temp corrected
10:45AM-more rain, adjust vents for hot fire, wrap ribs and brisket
10:52AM-lovely wife hands me a cup of coffee
11:42AM-unwrap ribs, sauce and adjust vents to achieve 265° to get ribs sticky
12:55PM-pull ribs, we're hungry
Nice light apple and cherry wood smoke ring. Wife likes smoke flavor to be light, not over-powering
time for a nap
4:22PM-iGrill alarm ringing, I wake up, brisket hits 195°, pull it from WSM, leave wrapped and stuff in cooler under beach towels. Temp rises to 205°, flattens out and slowly drops for an hour or so to 175°. Unwrap, slice and serve on warmed ciabatta bread with home made slaw.

After slicing, I left the brisket in the cooler far too long. It began to shred at some points, but was still moist. I like the slices to have a bit of spring back when pulled on.
Thanks for viewing!
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Sounds like you've done this before, John. Timing your nap, waking up when the rain hits, lovely wife with a cuppa joe :).
Sounds like you've done this before, John. Timing your nap, waking up when the rain hits, lovely wife with a cuppa joe :).

I usually like to start the brisket around sundown, however, it seemed like the right thing to do when strolling in around 2AM. That rain was pretty heavy, and the WSM held up pretty well throughout the downpour. The naps were due to too many adult beverages and my lovely wife wanted to insure that she would have ribs around 1 PM and brisket sandwich for dinner. HA!

Thanks for the comments from the rest, as well.
Great work. Love the narrative. ;) God bless the lovely wife for the cup of joe, eh?
Although it was late morning when I drank the coffee, it sure hit the spot. She could see I needed it. My buddy, jack daniel's and I, had a bit of deep thinking to do! Ha!
Hey John. Great photos. Love the sticky looking ribs. Coffee at 11? That's coffee cutting into beer drinking time. That's a dangerous game my friend.
John - from the sounds and looks of it, you had an awesome 24 hours or so...and cooked / ate like a king. Nice job!

