32lbs of Boston Butt and 24lbs of Chicken = 23.5 hours of straight smoking!

I cooked all this food for a friends baby shower on saturday afternoon. I started cooking at 2pm on friday afternoon with 2 chickens for some people whose families are in the hospital at 250-275 range. Then cooled the WSM for about an hour emptied dust and refilled with blue bag oak and pecan for the main event. Then cooked 2 butts 2 9lb and 2 8lb rubbed down with my rub and strayed with apple juice. They cooked until 1:30 pm saturday. I started them around 250 but temps fell in the middle of the night when I slept for 3 hours to 150 and then get temps back up and took an hour nap and when I got up temps had fallen again to 200. After that I stayed up and temps were between 250 and 275 for the rest of the cook. This is the first time cooking a full load on the WSM 18.5 and it was so different. I had to break out my old brinkman to do my chicken on saturday at 11am and cooked 2 6lb chickens on it between 275 and 300 until around 1pm. They were also rubbed down with my rub. I made a sweet coke sauce, my buddy made a mustard sauce, and then a white sauce for the chicken.
The first chickens I cooked to go in tacos

butts rubbed down

oak and pecan

mid way through cook

second batch of chickens rubbed down

had to bring out my old brinkman to do the chickens since the pork was still cooking

finshed pork x4

chicken shredded and ready to serve

pitmaster chopping right before service

i have been accused of no action pics so here they are. Also got a new iphone on frid right before I started cooking so I got camera crazy! Also learned this only lets me put 10 pics per post first try was 25!
You did good. I like the bark on pork butt. Thank you for the action shots :)
Great job! Interesting how you did your butterfly chicken. I split mine by cutting out the backbone. Looks like you split yours down the center of the breast bone.
Looks great and your pics have given my a few idea's for my Mother's day cook this weekend. Thanks
Nice looking q. Funny, I also did 4 butts (32 lbs) Friday night starting at 10pm and pulled them off Saturday at 2pm for a graduation party. It's that time of year! Bring on the parties and we'll bring the q.
Nice goin! Got to say that was some nice bark on those butts! I've done 2 at once so far, like to try 4. Good choice with the pecan wood, its favorite. BTW! do you think you could fit 6 butts on your 18.5"wsm? Maybe if put them on their ends?
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Super post and in perfect time!! I have a similar cook planned later in the week so lookin at this post primed me up!!

Nice work! Your chicken and Pp looks super delish!!

