26.5 Owners ???

This may be an ignorant question, but is the result of an investment company buying 60% of the company? I bought my dad a 22.75 OTS this Christmas. It seemed to be much lighter in weight than mine. Mine is OTG. So, I wasn't sure if that was the difference or there was cost cutting taking place. I bought my 18" WSM last year and it seems solid.

A new grill lid should feel lighter than a used one, simply because it doesn't have layers of seasoning built on yet. I get what youre saying Darren, and I felt the same also when checking out the newer models, but there has been some threads on here where some have checked the thickness to older models with calipers and the thickness was almost the same.
Now if they are using a softer steel, which doesn't have the same strength/ weight as an older model, than that could be the problem.

I really like Greg Y's 26" Performer idea. Make it with the stainless table and it will sell.
Really, I use the same amount of charcoal on the 26.75 as I use on the 22.5. I use the two charcoal baskets full with about a dozen lit on the top of each. While the heat source (2 charcoal baskets) is the same, the real estate available for indirect cooking is bigger.
Everyone has their own style. I cook indirect about 90% of the time. One fire one side. Brisket, to rotisserie beef and chicken. I can get about three hours out of the large chimney of Charcoal. Longer if I'm using briquettes but...my bottom damper is 1/4 open, I'm burning on a cast iron grate lower into the kettle, I have Nomex under the lid and I manage my lid vents differently. If I am using the rotisserie I use double the amount of fuel and usually am cooking a lot hotter for a shorter period of time.
I've got a 26.5 and a 18 and the only time I use the 18 is if I'm out of room on the 26.5. Admittedly I cook a lot of food each time because I just can't help myself.
I'm doing baby backs on our 26.5" right now, indirect method. I filled only one of the charcoal baskets topped with apple wood. I have that one lined up on one side under the hinged grate and the other one setting empty across from it. Outside temperature is 11*, hardly any breeze, and the kettle with the top and bottom vents almost closed is holding steady at 225*. I'll pull the ribs off in about 3.5-4 hours, total time 5 hours and foil them. Then the sirloin tip roast goes on, seared and then indirect until 125*, foiled to rest, then sliced thin for sandwiches! A great way to spend an afternoon before kickoff with a 26.5" kettle.
Could have used that 26er yesterday, I had my 22.5 WSM loaded, bottom rack had 5 pounds of big azzed wings and the top rack was full with sausage stuffed long hots, ABT and mini sweet stuffed peppers. I then pounded out 5 huge chicken breast and put hem on the 22 OTG indirect. Wish I had more space to keep them away from the heat. I had beat them out pretty large!
I'll order one for my birthday in May.
Since some here have smoked in it, and I don't have a Roto yet..... wonder if I should do it for this or go 22.5 for the WSM?
Thought owners?
Could have used that 26er yesterday, I had my 22.5 WSM loaded, bottom rack had 5 pounds of big azzed wings and the top rack was full with sausage stuffed long hots, ABT and mini sweet stuffed peppers. I then pounded out 5 huge chicken breast and put hem on the 22 OTG indirect. Wish I had more space to keep them away from the heat. I had beat them out pretty large!
I'll order one for my birthday in May.
Since some here have smoked in it, and I don't have a Roto yet..... wonder if I should do it for this or go 22.5 for the WSM?
Thought owners?
Al as you probably know by now I am very partial to the 26. I had a 22 WSM and if I could only have one Weber charcoal Burner it would be the 26. The rotisserie is huge offering you the opportunity to add a second rack, turn three chickens or various roasts. I did place an 18" CI grate lower into the kettle and I've had outstanding smoking results using less fuel than a WSM. For the extra few bucks put Nomex under the lid and see the difference in air control. The added cooking real estate makes the difference for indirect cooking.
Just got a new 26.75" here and have zero issue's with the reported wobbly legs. It takes some force, but make sure the aluminum leg sits all the way down and is touching the bowl.

Would I recommend it? Well lets just say my 22" OTS is a little jealous. Why? For all of the same reasons mentioned here already.
Just got a new 26.75" here and have zero issue's with the reported wobbly legs. It takes some force, but make sure the aluminum leg sits all the way down and is touching the bowl.

Would I recommend it? Well lets just say my 22" OTS is a little jealous. Why? For all of the same reasons mentioned here already.

The problem isn't that the legs are wobbly. The problem is that if you ever, ever, ever, ever move the grill by pulling on the front handle while rolling on the wheels, the leg flanges WILL BEND backwards. NEVER roll those wheels. Pick it up and carry it if you ever have to move it.

If someone offered me the choice of a free 26er or a 22.5, then I'd take the 26er.

If I had $300 of my own money to spend on a grill or two, For the same price, I'd rather have two 22.5 OTGs than one single 26er. More area to work with. More, better, cheaper toys and accessories.
Interesting. I don't see that as an issue at all with mine. I've rolled it forward and backwards on my patio a few times since I've gotten it. I lift about a inch off the ground and move where it's needed. But I'll keep an eye on that for sure!
Love my 26.5 and use it regardless of how small the cook is. I don't have any problems rolling it around but the legs are wobbly even though they are completely seated.
I emailed Weber customer service with this query:
Does Weber have any plans to introduce a 26.75" Performer?
Many of the folks on the Virtual Weber Bulletin Board would love to have one.

They responded back with:
Hi Greg,
Thank you for contacting Weber. I am not aware of any plans for the 26.75" performer, but I will pass on your suggestion to the appropriate person.

I don't think it would be too difficult to adapt a 26.75" kettle to a Performer. If I can find a cheap used Performer I'll get it and splurge for a new 26.75" One Touch, since I never see those used. I can either widen the frame or just mount the kettle up higher. This would be a good retrofit for the older SS performers, since they are lower anyway.
Well I have been cooking on my 2 26 OTG since March 2013.
They are wonderfull. A frinds of mine had got the 22 instead and every day he asks me for buing 1 of mine. Never, I replyed.
I used them for indirect as well for smoking.
For indirect cooking is set up like this
[/url] IMG_1310 di BBQness, su Flickr[/IMG]

For smoking I set it up like a water smoker
[/url] IMG_1664 di BBQness, su Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] IMG_1666 di BBQness, su Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] IMG_1672 di BBQness, su Flickr[/IMG]
Nice set ups I like the way you cook. The bottom picture did you cut down a smaller kettle to get that inner linner? Looks like a cut down 22.5. Sweet.
No, if I understood your post, I just used pizza pan inside a rusty truncated cone.
The water goes in the pizza pan about 1,5 gal
Now i have bought a larger but shorter pizza pan in wich the water goes and i removed the truncated cone using a stainless circle for cakes. Now the kettle is much more light then before, but really I didn't have legs problems.
Now it is like this
[/url] IMG_3910 di BBQness, su Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] IMG_3911 di BBQness, su Flickr[/IMG]

With this set up I gained some more square inches in the grate( it's never enough!) but i got a little problem.... Chunks or chips don't pass in the narrow spase at the border, so I have to set everything at the beginning of the cook. Any way it works.
I love my 26.75! It has plenty of real estate to grill and smoke....very versatile....definitely worth the coin.

