22 years of cat calls...


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
started WEDNESDAY night's dinner with Chicago Steak Seasoning (from Penzeys)... springled all over chuck eyes


EVOO'd a few small poblano peppers and two nopales


in the oven (yes, i cheat at times), in a cast iron skillet, two large Idahos cut into 1" rounds
then buttered & seasoned with more of Penzey's spices, this time, saltfree Adobo.


cacti and poblanos on the cast iron grates on the OTG...



minutes later, the chuck eyes made their way in



more minutes later, everything was plated and ready to eet!


more broccoli and a glass of Sam's Oktoberfest were invited.


...this, all in celebration of the 22nd birthday of Niner, our kitty cat.
Well, at least we think he was born on October 10th twentytwo years ago.
He's actually celebrating too, sleeping in Maddie's bed :O


Thank you all for visiting!
More RED meat tonight ;\
Good lookin grub there Jim & happy birthday Niner. (the name of my favorite football team) Go Niners.;)
At first,I thought you'd lost your mind and cooked a cat! Doh! But the food looks good as always and my cat Lard A$$ and I wish Niner a very happy birthday!
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I have to look around for the Nopales. I've seen you do these more than once on here and I educated myself on what they are. What do they taste like, and don't say chicken😄 Great looking cook as always.

I think in some nights, when I'm out with the pooches one last time before nighty night and an Arctic blast pushes this way, man o man, I can just smell the pork steaks or chuckies😛Jamaica me crazy!😜 CRAZY FOR SOME GRILLIN'😁
Jim, I think this is the oldest cat I have ever head of...Happy Birthday Niner! Oh yeah...outstanding chuck-eyes tto!
Great looking dinner Jim...that is a great looking plate of food& happy belated birthday to Niner! Hope he makes it to 23 sleeping in the dogs bed! I know my Lab would not have it!

Take care
You are a lucky man. Great food, and you still have a cat. I lost one of my best friends last year, at the age of 16. I still miss him.
I like this post back up again.
I never had this cut of meat, I've never cooked nopales, never had so perfect potatoes in the pan ...
And through it I believe that it was the perfect meal. You are bringing your skills perfectly in several pictures Jim.

Your Niners is a happy animal. I'm sure.
You have a nice birthday party one by one.
I expect a big party from you on Sunday;). You deserve it.
Thanks for everything Jim.
Thank you for all those nice words:)
I have to look around for the Nopales. I've seen you do these more than once on here and I educated myself on what they are. What do they taste like, and don't say chicken
Gene, to me, the nopales taste lemony, sorta a cross between green beans and bell peppers with that lemony kick.

I like this post back up again.
I never had this cut of meat, I've never cooked nopales, never had so perfect potatoes in the pan ...
And through it I believe that it was the perfect meal. You are bringing your skills perfectly in several pictures Jim.

Your Niners is a happy animal. I'm sure.
You have a nice birthday party one by one.
I expect a big party from you on Sunday;). You deserve it.
Thanks for everything Jim.
you're tooo kind Geir, Thank You Sir!
You probably ment to thank Mildo, but none the less, as I agree to everything he wrote, happy birthday, and thank you. :)

