20th Annual Smoke Day


Dwain Pannell

TVWBB Hall of Fame
It’s cool and wet at 0600 this Fri AM, but I have decided to try to dodge thunderstorms and start Smoke Day 20. I’ll smoke a Bad Byron’s boneless butt for pulled pork and a SPOG Money Muscle today. Tomorrow, I’ll smoke Famous Dave’s rubbed St Louis ribs and Conecuh sausage as well as grill a few dogs, baked beans and mix up some cole slaw. The family will show in the afternoon to enjoy the meal. As we celebrate we don’t forget those who paid the ultimate price to give us the freedom to have these family celebrations.

And so it begins once again;


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Nice! I will be planting flowers this morning at two more cemeteries in memoriam.
Feasting tomorrow. I like the base for your beans too!
It’s cool and wet at 0600 this Fri AM, but I have decided to try to dodge thunderstorms and start Smoke Day 20. I’ll smoke a Bad Byron’s boneless butt for pulled pork and a SPOG Money Muscle today. Tomorrow, I’ll smoke Famous Dave’s rubbed St Louis ribs and Conecuh sausage as well as grill a few dogs, baked beans and mix up some cole slaw. The family will show in the afternoon to enjoy the meal. As we celebrate we don’t forget those who paid the ultimate price to give us the freedom to have these family celebrations.

And so it begins once again;
I tried those Grillin' beans, but darn things all just fell right into the fire...

