2012 cold smoked salmon


Geir Widar

TVWBB Wizard
It’s getting warmer, and the cold smoke season is over. Today it’s snowing, but it is getting warmer, and I can not cold smoke until September/October.
So cold smoked salmon it is, once again. I’m sure several of the members have seen this before, but none the less, here is a way to cold smoke salmon in the WSM, acting as a chamber.
I do not have many pictures, but here is a pic of my twins, the WSM with four sides of cured salmon inside, and the grill just watching, wondering what is going on:

The whole setup is a modified manual oil pump, that gets air from an aquarium pump. I fill the oil pump with wood chips that I have made with a regular chain saw, and dry in a microwave oven.
Not very fancy, looks like this:

It works like a charm, as long as I clean the oil pump between each run. You need to give the pump a couple of raps every hour, as well as fill it up with chips after three hours. The smoke is very intense, so you can cold smoke meat in a short time. I’ve tried bacon, turkey breasts, ham, moose hearts and chicken with very good results.
The “fresh” smoked meat can be a bit strong and bitter, but tastes better after let’s say 14 days. Thankfully the taste mellows in a freezer as well, even in a vacuum bag.

Here is an example of the finished product. This time I made 12 pounds.

Click on pictures for large ones. Thank you for your time.
Wow that looks pretty fresh? Quite the set up u have! Did you brine at all? How long was it under some?

All my fish has been hot smoked but I am willing to give this a shot! Look perfect to me!!!
Thank you for all the kind words.
I dry brine the salmon for three days, regular salt, 2,6%, that is a bit lower than the usual 3. 3% is OK as well.

If you try, Morgan C, be sure that you like raw fish. This tastes different from the hot smoked one, more like sushi. Another member tried this a while ago, and he thought it was awful.
While I probably would not care for the fish, I do love the set up and the photography Geir!
I like my sushi deep fried

Beautiful country setting too!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Joel Kiess:
Smoldering/lit wood chips go in the pump and air pumps through and into the WSM? Cool. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes, Sir, as described. I must admit this is not my idea, some guy from Finland posted the mod for the first time. I just bought the manual oil suction pump and added a extra nipple according to his instructions. I know you can buy something similar in the states, but it's very expensive to import stuff from USA, if they are willing to export at all.

The only addition I have made to the system, is the drying of the chainsaw chips in a microwave. A minute in the microwave, give it a rest/stir, and one more minute/stir, works like a charm.
So how long did u brine and how long did u smoke? I have had some fish similar before... Just curious on your technique? Have lots of access to salmon and have done a bit of cold smoking myself but not in a weber! Sorry I'm curious!!

Thanks for any info!
As already mentioned, dry brined in 2.6% salt for three days. Others might like 3% better.
Smoked for about 6 hours, used ash chips made with a chainsaw, as that is what I have at the moment.
My brother asked me @ work today if i had seen the salmon that the Norwegan did. He loved it. I would love to try it but i have a bit of a problem regarding fish. But it sure looks like you nailed it!
Geir, three from me:
1) this your smoked salmon looks absolutely great
2) you said - some guy from Finland published mod was first = Mark RS from Finland published mod was first - our member (deserves it)
3) I have a problem with:
´´I fill the oil pump with wood chips, which I made with regular chainsaw´´
- every regular chainsaw is lubricated with oil on the bar and chain and I think that it may be a problem. This leaves a considerable amount of oil in the wood chips.
Just a reminder. Maybe someone else has more info on this.
All in good, Geir. Just a thought.
I plan vyrobit the same smoke generator according to Mark RS and your manuals.
Thanks for inspiration.

