I will be getting my first experience with POR15 this spring. My snow blower has some significant rust on it. Especially the bottom of it. Gonna wire brush the bad spots and hit it with the Por15 and then some good Farm Orange to match the Ariens orange as closely as possible.
I have a 22 year old Genesis Silver B. At year 10, I noticed the cookbox bolt rusting and replaced it with a SS bolt. I then started using Corrosion Free Rust Cure Formula 3000. Every few years I spray it inside the weep (and bolt) holes in the frame. It still looks solid and will probably outlast me.
Is this generation of Weber Genesis the last of the ones that came with 304SS burners? I just picked up a 2008 Gen2 Performer and was surprised to find the burner tube and front panel was made of non-magnetic stainless steel.