2 Year Brisket


Rich G

TVWBB Honor Circle
My last cook of 2020, and my first cook of 2021 were both a brisket (same one!) :) I put my second overnight brisket on the pellet grill at about 11:30pm on 12/31. My neighbor heard what I was planning, so my brisket got a buddy for the trip. Mine got rubbed down with some Dizzy Pig Dizzy Dust (on top of a coat of yellow mustard), and both went into the smoke at 205F (I didn't want to overshoot the wrap temp, so ran low overnight.) In the am, both briskets were tracking at 155F, so I bumped the temp to 225F to take us to the stall. 11.5 hours into the cook, the briskets were still neck and neck at 168F, so they got wrapped in pink paper, and I bumped the temp again. At this point, my brisket started to rise in temp a bit faster, and hit 200F about 14 hours in, but it wasn't probing tender. After about another hour, I deemed it ready, so it got cooler'd at the 15 hour mark. My neighbor's brisket finally gave it up after 16 hours. Once I got to slicing, I was very happy.......nicely tender, not overly so, great beefy flavor (CAB brisket), and a great flavor combination from the smoke and spice. Only thing I would do differently would be to add some salt (DD is a bit low on the salt, and I forgot to add a layer when I was getting it ready.......I blame the NYE cocktails!)

Anyway, I didn't get a lot of great photos, but this is the Photo Gallery, so.......



Looks great Rich! Nice of you to include the neighbors brisket so yours wouldn’t be lonely😄. I recall some of my imperfect cooks involved cocktails😜.
Looks perfect Rich. I learned years ago that Barbequing and booze don't mix well some times. Although it never stopped me from having a few nippers when doing Q. 🙃
Great cook Rich, I am going to tackle the brisket in 2021, I've got the itch to do it right now, but am trying to wait until I can have some friends over, hopefully come summer to share it with me.
Looks great. The title had me thinking this was an extreme aging project like the one year brisket Daniel Vaughn wrote about in Texas Monthly.

Posts like this are eventually going to cost me the price of a pellet cooker.
Looks great. The title had me thinking this was an extreme aging project like the one year brisket Daniel Vaughn wrote about in Texas Monthly.

Posts like this are eventually going to cost me the price of a pellet cooker.
Don't give into peer pressure, Chris......unless you need an excuse! :) In all honesty, I don't cook better food on my pellet grill, there are just some things about it that are definitely easier (temp control for one......and I DO have an ATC for my WSM, but even that wasn't "set/forget".) It was just time for something new for me, kind of like when I gave up my ceramic back in '04 to join the WSM crowd (after being a member here for a couple of years.)

If someone told me that I was no longer allowed to use electricity to power a pellet grill, I'd be perfectly happy to jump back to a WSM. I DO like my RT, though! :)

Doing btiskets,and pork butts, or even a leg of lamb all would be much easier on a pellet cooker especially during big outside temp swings.
The WSM is a great solid cooker and the only smoker I know.

