1st overnight smoke


Tony V

New member
Tried my first overnight smoke last Friday night (3rd smoke overall). Put the butts on about 10:00 Friday night. I have a Maverick ET-73, but still got up several times during the night to check temps. I couldn't get the 2 sensors talking to each other (might have been the wine!). WSM held steady at 250 all night.

This one turned out great. I used the Memphis Dust recipe from Amazingribs.com. I suspect it is on this forum as well. Good rubb and I liked the ground rosemary flavor.

Rubbed and ready to go:

11 hours in:

Practically fell apart:


Had some great sammies to eat during the Gamecock's upset of 'Bama. Now the wife is a believer. After the first attempt a couple of weeks ago, she wasn't impressed. Neither was I. I let the meat cook this time and it was great.

Cheers and thanks for looking
Great looking.
Nice bark, and well developed smoke ring.
I like the 'memphis dust' too. I add ground sage and some Penzey's half sharp paprika.
I'd like to get MY hands on a little pink one-touch platinum like that.
Congratulations on the cook.
Isn't that a great feeling, when you first pull the lid off of your smoker, and see how the meat looks??!!!! Great job on your 1st overnighter!!! It looks Great!!!
Excellent looking pork! You may already know this, but I used my Maverick for the first time this past weekend and turned one piece (i think receiver?) on before the other and they wouldn't "talk". I looked in the instruction booklet and it says something like "this piece must be turned on within 60 seconds of the other piece in order to get a reading".


I also saw that in the instructions on the Maverick for turning on one within 60 seconds of the other. I did that. I got it to work before, but honestly I think I was rushed to get the meat on and the wine had an effect also.

I will make sure I practice and get it working before the next one.
Great job Tony. Looks good enough to eat.
"If at first you don't succeed" but you sure did this time! Pulled pork from the WSM is just HEAVEN!
Originally posted by Bill_W:
Don't be giving your Maverick wine. It loses all temperature control.

I've had that problem too. I thought I would try beer next time. Has anyone experienced problems with temp control and say 2 or 10 beers?
Might try pressing the Tx button (on transmitter) if units are not synching when turned on. Had the same issue - even when I followed the instructions. Once pressing the Tx button, mine synch right up.
Highly recommend the happy-waters too... will help you sleep thru the night. With butts, I hardly get up anymore on the o-nighters, I set it and forget it. Usually sleep from around 11pm until 6am or so.
Tony, great looking bark! My wife was skeptical at first also, now its not uncommon for her to come home from Sam's with a couple Boston Butts and say, "Thought you might want to make these this weekend!". Again, congrats on the great success of your first over nighter!

