1st cook on berta


Sparky Rowe

TVWBB Super Fan
from two and a 1/2 men. i like her. she doesn't take no crap and gets her way all the time. the 26" is the same way. i like that attidude. it doesn't work for me in my house :'( but i still like it.

as jackie gleason would say "to the moon alice".







sausage didn't make it in the house. i ate them outside. no, i'm not sorry about it either. the family knows the drill. not like it hasn't happen before. all in all a great 1st cook w/ berta. she does cook a little differently than the 22" but i'm going to enjoy learning on her. i love the space. alot. you could fit alot of food on her.
Great looking tri tip and sausage. Love the plated pic. I always have a big glass of milk with my dinner too!

Great job, Sparky!
Very nice Sparky! Now tri-tip is gettin added to my cook list, which is getting very long thanks to this site!
Nice lookin meal, even without the sausage (all 10 link's !! ) Love the 26er, I mean berta.
I love tri tip, and yours looks great! Now, Berta, she's your new 26 incher I take it? I loved mine from the first day I cooked on 'er!
That's one shiny new piece of cooking equipment. Arm wrestle you for a couple links next time. Well done.
sparky, you ate ALL THOSE dogs THEN you ate this plate??!!

I don't even think I could do that!:eek:

Tri looks GREAT!
Sparky, I love my 26.75" kettle also. You can really load her up. I haven't named mine, but I like your way of thinking :)
I think that the Piggly Wiggly coozie looks almost as good as the food man! Haha, favorite grocery store by far. You a transplant out to California? I didn't think that Hoggly Woggly made it out that far.

