18" WSM Stainless Steel Door Replacement

Two to three days I could live with..2-3 weeks you start to wonder??
He must be out duck hunting or he's ducking my e-mails & phone calls!
I guess I will just wait and see.
Hey Chuck, Chris Perres here, I got an e-mail from Pat with some concerns about your replacement door, I apologize for the late response, I just don't watch this forum as much as I would like to. I will retrieve your purchase info and give you a call if you included a phone number. sorry for the inconvenience.
Hey Chris,Not only do you not watch this form,but you don't check your E-mails or your phone messages. I'll call you again(262-828-1487) and send you another E-mail,with my phone number.Hopefully we can resolve this leaking problem.
<span class="ev_code_BLUE">HolySmokes! I must be dang'toot'in lucky cuz there are folks out there getting different parts with their new WSM's and folks orderin' this new CajunStainlessSteelDoor an' havin' troubles with it and I sit here, (feelin' all your pain, please believe me) sippin' my 'tini and wondering "what in the world is goin' on here??!!"</span>
Well..., I'm not gonna knock on wood, I'm gonna beat the livin' crapola outta it cuz my purchase related to EVERYTHING with this smoker SO FAR has been IDEAL! And I thank Our Lord above everything that has come off this Weber smoker
Has - Been - Edible (and enjoyed by all).
I have the replacement door on my 22 and I love it. Chuck have you tried sliding it to the left or right? that might help. The biggest problem I found was with the handle, it's junk. I rebuilt mine and everything fits really tight now without that loose handle. Good luck.
I've slid it to the left and slid it to the right.still leaks on top.Both guys called me today.they stated I should bend it to fit..I think I'll just put on the original door and chalk it up. Thanks for listening.
Last night I baked nachos with left over chicken and they came out great. After the cook I shut the cooker down, after about 20 minutes I looked at the thermometer and noticed the charcoal was going out like it should for the first time. That means I shut the air supply off and that it's pretty tight. The old door could never do that. Don't give up Chuck, try bending it a little but not too much. I put it against my stomache and pushed down on it to give it a little more curve and that helped. Just try that a little at a time and it may start to fit better but not perfect. Then try the sliding side to side thing. Remember that handle is still gonna be loose making the door stay loose and smoke coming out the top. The handle needs to be rebuilt to fit snug. When the handle fits tight without any play it pulls the door toward the cooker body. I removed the brass inner part that the screw screws into and drilled that through. Replaced that with a bigger screw and nut, then switched around the washers. Voila tight! If all else failed I was gonna add a little gasket seal but luckily I didn't have to. I hope this helps.
Originally posted by Shaun R:
Last night I baked nachos with left over chicken and they came out great. After the cook I shut the cooker down, after about 20 minutes I looked at the thermometer and noticed the charcoal was going out like it should for the first time. That means I shut the air supply off and that it's pretty tight. The old door could never do that. Don't give up Chuck, try bending it a little but not too much. I put it against my stomache and pushed down on it to give it a little more curve and that helped. Just try that a little at a time and it may start to fit better but not perfect. Then try the sliding side to side thing. Remember that handle is still gonna be loose making the door stay loose and smoke coming out the top. The handle needs to be rebuilt to fit snug. When the handle fits tight without any play it pulls the door toward the cooker body. I removed the brass inner part that the screw screws into and drilled that through. Replaced that with a bigger screw and nut, then switched around the washers. Voila tight! If all else failed I was gonna add a little gasket seal but luckily I didn't have to. I hope this helps.

That makes sense. I have a door drilled for the new style handle, and I have more trouble getting it to seal tightly than the old style handle door. In my observation at least, it's the handle hardware and not the doors that is the issue. The original door is so light and thin it doesn't require much tension to close. Chris, if you're reading, maybe there's an opportunity here to design and sell a sturdier handle? In the interim I think I'll try your fix Shaun and see how it works.
I was one of the first to purchase the SS door from Chris for my 18" WSM. I also have a small gap in the upper right side where the door meets the cooking chamber but so far several cooks and no evidence of smoke escaping through the door.
Okay, here are the pictures I promised. The handle mod. My hook mod. just for fun. and the baked nachos that came out fabulous.

Originally posted by Shaun R:
Okay, here are the pictures I promised. The handle mod. My hook mod. just for fun. and the baked nachos that came out fabulous.

I'm gonna do that mod on my '09 handle and try that door in comparison the one with the '08 handle. I like the idea of the "directional" handle, and if it holds tight then all the better.
Ugh...the handle is junk and I broke two of them trying to get it to fit tightly. I used a socket and on both of the handles, the metal housing popped right out.
Originally posted by Dan Moore:
Ugh...the handle is junk and I broke two of them trying to get it to fit tightly. I used a socket and on both of the handles, the metal housing popped right out.
Yeah, leave the brass housing out, mine came out too. That's when I decided to drill it out, then I put in an allen screw and countersunk that for aesthetics. Plus it's almost smooth now. I don't know if you can tell in the picture but the door is very tight now.
I've had my two (18 & 22) doors for a while now and finally got them installed. I'm glad to report they fit like a glove and zero problems with the hardware either. They look SO much better than the originals!!
Does anyone know what to use to get the door clean? While the looked great, I didn't notice any improvement with it. Thus, it was a merely aesthetics purchase. I have stains that run down from the handle and on the sides that I cannot get clean! I've used Greased Lightening, Dawn Soap & Stainless Steel cleaner. Still there and looks terrible.
Sand blast it
Originally posted by FRED BLAND:

Warning, Warning, Warning.
I just installed my new S.S. door. It looked good and was tight.
I have cooked about 20 overnight Butts in the past. My smoker was a champ - always stayed around 225 degrees (bottom vents fully closed. A set and forget kinda of gal.
I put on 20 pounds of butt at 11:00 p.m last night. I went to bed as I have done in the past. I woke up at 5:00 a.m. to find my smoker temp at 170 degrees
Now I am trying to revive the heat. The smoke wood was not even consumed.
Moral of the story - if you get a new door you will have to some courting time with your baby until you learn its new temprament
p.s. waiting to see how my butts turned out

Does anyone have any recommendations for getting into the sweet spot for temp control with this mod. Just installed it and have been chasing temps around all day. Never had this problem before. Vents closed, temps drop quickly. Vents open, even a little and temps blow past 250. Other then this, very happy with the purchase. Just need to spend some time with it and relearn my cooker. Any help would be great.

