18" Kettle Grill Lid Vent Sticking


Rusty James

TVWBB Emerald Member
Is this a common issue?

Usually, stiff vents loosen up as the heat rises, but this one acts as if it has stubborn residue under it, and a heat doesn't help much. I was thinking about using degreaser and a stiff nylon brush on the vent before my next cook.
I wish I had your problem, my vents are too loose. I'm not sure I'd introduce a degreaser, at least not on the top vent (for fear it would drip into the food) Maybe put some veggy oil on it (drip it in from the side while holding the lid) But like I said, I envy your problem
Same issue on my WSM. I use white vinegar and water 50/50 on it, which is used for cleaning various other stuff too.
I'm having this issue too on my WSM after only three cooks. I found a flexible plastic card to be helpful - about the thickness of a store rewards card, thinner than a credit card. I slid the card under the vent and swept out a lot of the gunk that was gluing it to the ceramic. Once the vent could spin again, I used Q tips with some simple green to dissolve the gunk that was exposed.
On the other hand, my lower WSM vents are not as snug as they used to be. I'm wondering if heat expansion has played a role in this. I do have the replacement 3-piece vent kit at the ready, but I am nervous about accidentally drilling into the porcelain. Just how tight can a person tighten these cap screws anyway? Tight enough to prevent the vent from moving?
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I wish I had your problem, my vents are too loose. I'm not sure I'd introduce a degreaser, at least not on the top vent (for fear it would drip into the food) Maybe put some veggy oil on it (drip it in from the side while holding the lid) But like I said, I envy your problem

I insert 5 cent between metal and vent and it does not move any more.
Don't touch the bottom vents (ouch) barehanded.

Weber products are great, but will burn you quickly if not handled properly.

Need a pair of welding gloves I reckon.
Sticky kettle lid vents are easy to clean.
Use a degreaser like Greased Lightning or one of those orange products and some dental floss. You can do the math.
Can't use that method on WSM lid vents because there's stop tabs.

