10-9 whos cooking.


Dale Perry

I am. Just put it all on at 5:15 am. Smoking 50+ lbs of pork for my nephews rehearsal dinner. He also wants our chicken so I am cooking that Sunday. Going to cryo vac it all for next Friday night. Makes me feel good that he & his sweet bride wanted Uncle Dale to cook for them. They had enough $ in their budget for something more upscale but insisted that they wanted my BBQ.
Too many good things on sale right now. I'm trying to decide by browsing the forums. It's good timing though, as there's not a lot going on this weekend and the weather is gorgeous. Thinking I might try my first pork loin and some smoked salmon. London broil maybe too.
Hey Dale, with bbq, they know all the guest will leave happy:-)

I just salted my salmon for a later smoke. I fought a bit with the skin but it'll be ok. Marinated it in rhum for 15 minutes and then after drying it, put the brown sugar and salt mixture on it to take the water out. Will be smoking on the OTG around 11 am this morning. Can't wait.
Dang, 50lbs. That's some serious pork! I have a chuck roast in the fridge from overnight with rub on it. I went to the store to get a packer but all they had was some 4lb mini brisket.

Meant to try my first brisket, now will try my first chuck roast for pulled beef.

Looking forward to the results!
Just going to grill some thighs, lamb chops and a few potatoes. Tomorrow might grill one slab of spares on the kettle. Good luck with yours.
My daughter turns 7 today. We're out for pizza tonight, but I asked what she wanted for dinner tomorrow and she said tri-tip. Smart kid - I said her wish shall be granted.
A local grocery store has Loin Ribs on sale for $2.97#. My game doesn't start till 6:30 tonite so I still have time to go get some.

I have a want to do it.
I haven't been able to smoke for awhile so I told my wife that I couldn't decide between ribs, chicken or salmon... so I'm doing all 3 for just the 2 of us!
I have a flat going right now. This is my first brisket at all (could not find any packers last night). I am doing the high heat method and hoping for the best!
I'll join the party! Not cooking yet, but I have a mess of chicken drumsticks in Cornell sauce in the frig, quartered Yukons in EVOO, S&P and thyme also in the frig, a pack of Louisiana hot links and fresh corn. Grill will be starting soon!
I've got 2 butts going on in a couple of hours for an overnight smoke that is supposed to be for a Fantasy Football party tomorrow afternoon. Some of little girls in the league are fighting over a proposed trade this past week and I think it got ugly enough that the get together may not happen. No worries, I've got plenty of room in the freezer in case there are mucho leftovers.

Well I have not posted in awhile so I was gonna start a thread for this but I guess I'll put it here. Got some whole beef short ribs or DINO RIBS if you prefer. Rubbed up and and underway. Enjoy
I've got some salmon on the WSM now for use over the next several days. Getting ready to throw a "Caveman" ribeye on the Performer - details to come later. Tomorrow is Pepper Stout Beef for lunch and pork loin for dinner.
I finished the pork yesterday in 12 1/2 hours total time. Thats from lighting the chimney to foodsaver. I weighed all of it and had 26 lbs pulled product. I figure about 50% loss for pork and that is acurate for the way I pull. I throw away all the fat. yuck.

Today Im getting ready to cook 30+ lbs of chicken.

