1 Must Have


Ernie D

Whether you grill every day, a few times per week, or just every once in a while... You probably have a few things that just make you happy every time you use them. You know, that tool, rub, sauce, or accessory you want to buy AGAIN, every time you see it in a store or online. I envy the CI grates, read about the Penzys and Wolfe rubs, see cool meat brushes and turners, and drool over some of the sauces and marinades you guys use.

Pick One

What single product gets your highest recommendation? That thing you wish all of us could appreciate on a regular basis, the way you do.


Ring of Fire Original Hot Sauce
I even tried it on ice cream. The most flavorful, versatile, flavor explosion I have ever tasted.

Close 2nd place: nonstick foil
Favorite tool is my, eh hem, vintage pair of Long-Jon-Tongs.
Still stored in the original sleeve.

They were found, still new/unused, in a box lot that I won at a local auction a few years back.
Made in the USA, Ludington, Mich. to be exact.
Not locking, but very sturdy.
Even though I have several sets of tongs, these are the ones I always use.
Big tongs. I picked up the Steven Raichlen tongs on clearance for $4. Best $4 i've ever spent. They're big enough to pick up a packer brisket.
Different cooks require different tools (or rub, sauce, or accessory) but the one thing I have on hand at every cook is this


After ruining all my wife's dishtowels I had to find a cheaper alternative. I ran across these towels at Lowes. A 24 pack for ~$11.00. They're the perfect size. I always have one over my shoulder when in front of the grills. When they get dirty I throw them in a bag I have next to all my other grilling stuff. When the bag is full they go in the wash with a lot of bleach. They last a long time. The old, worn out ones I use to insulate the cooler while resting butts.

Not too exciting but this is the one thing I use on every cook.
Originally posted by Don Cash:
Different cooks require different tools (or rub, sauce, or accessory) but the one thing I have on hand at every cook is this
Don, I agree. Got to have some handy dandy towels on hand. I don't know how big yours are, but last year I found a bag of 50 in BJ's automotive department for something like $12. So many uses around the grill/smoking area. And you are right about cleaning them. They get dirty, into the washing machine they go. My second choice (if I have one) is my Thermapen.
I'd really love a thermapen, and it may eventually take the place of my decision below (sure would be nice to know exactly what temp I'm dealing with!), but for now...

the Weber chimney starter.

This is probably a no brainer for all of you, but I used to really want to use charcoal, but could not stand the process of dousing with lighter fluid and staring at it trying to figure out if it was working. Then I'd put some more fluid on, light again, and so on.

I've been amazed time and time again how efficient these starters are with just a couple rolls of newspaper.

That's mine!
I love my heavy duty KitchenAid utensils from BJs/SAMS (I can't remember). I've really put them to the test and they've performed wonderfully.

My favorite discovery from this website is ABTs.......they are EASY and they are a HUGE hit every time I make em'.

you mean besides the kettle ? mine would be the tongs. bought at wal mart for a buck. no longer sold so i'm glad a bought a few extra. there are of course many other items but thats it.
I'd have to say my Thermapen. Everything else is replaceable but haven't found a better thermometer than a Thermapen.
I must have the attitude to cook...
If that ain't there, forget it.

everything else is materialistic.
A push button propane torch. That for me is the easy peasy way to lite a chimney, or set off the WSM.

Originally posted by Kris Auer:
Welding gloves - got the idea off this site.

I second that one. I use 'em every cook and every camping trip.

My second - instant-read thermometer.

My third - big spatula and tongs.
I love my welding gloves. I guess I assumed we all use the grill and chimney, but the Weber chimney is high on my must-have list. I need a better tongs.

Ernie's Shopping List:

plowboys yardbird rub
pack of work towels (genius)
Thermapen (what's the cheapest price for a refurb?)
propane torch or the weed-burner type
I try to keep a less-is-more attitude and keep the gadgets to a minimum. Nonetheless:
1.) ET-73 remote probe thermometer. It's a bit more fragile than I would have liked, but it gets the job done.
2a.) Leather-lined gloves, $1.97 a pair for handling the hot stuff, including the top- and bottomless coffee can I dump my hot coals into when I minion.
2b.) Rubber washable gloves for handling the meat, raw or cooked.
3.) Peace Love and BBQ by Mike Mills; although it's now mostly a quick reference guide for me at this point.
And on it's way via UPS, a <span class="ev_code_PURPLE">thermapen</span>, which will probably move up to no. 2 once it arrives.

