Weber 900 NG Restore


Carlos Estrada

TVWBB Member
Hi all, I finally finished restoring my 1st gasser. I was contemplating paying $700+ on a new grill before I came upon this baby for $50 with a cover on CL. Here's before the restore, which was in great condition to begin with:

After a complete disassembly, I 1st started cleaning the firebox, grates, & flavor bars with simple green, wire brush & a lot of elbow grease. The grates & burners are pristine, the flavor bars hve slight rust & few holes, but I'll wait until they get worse before replacing.

Next I cleaned the exterior of lid with simple green & 0000 steel wool, scraped interior lid, repainted exterior fire box & side lids with high temp. I used auto cutting compound (to remove oxidation) & wax to bring back the frame & lid shine, which left a glass finish. Last were finishing the wood shelf slats & handle, which are original, not sure why they were painted ugly gray color. I sanded 120/220 grit, then used 4 coats man 'o war spar varnish, no stain, kept original color.

In the future I'm thinking of converting the bottom wire shelf to wood slats. If anybody has ideas on how to build it, pls let me know.

I'll be performing my 1st cook tomorrow! Does anybody know where I can get instructions on cooking on this, specifically using East to west burners?

I want to thank everybody here for helping me, I honestly could not hve done this without you. Thanks.
Looks very nice.
I like how the wood shelves turned out. I might go the "el natural" route with my shelves on my 4900 when I start that restore.
Let me know how the Man O War varnish holds up for you.

It looks great. No special instructions needed. The only thing is your "zones" will be from front to back not left to right. I have seen some people weep and moan over "lack of zones" on these grills. IMO they're people who don't know how to cook in the first place. Do some experimentation and you'll soon see how effective this design is. Get a rotisserie and you'll be hooked too. You'll do rotisserie nearly as well as ones with the expensive infrared rear burners. Enjoy
That is a beautiful restore. Top rate work there. We use ours regularly and am sure you will to.
Hey Pat, I used meguiar's ultimate compound to remove scratches/oxidation & ultimate paste wax to protect it from outside elements. I applied everything by hand. You can use any polish+wax, I think they all work similar.
Jeff MA, this was my 1st time ever using wood finish, so I hope it lasts a long time, especially since I put 4 coats & reapplied every 24 hours. My grill will be stored under a roof with a cover. My only concern is if the spar varnish will deteriorate over time from the high heat the grill puts out, but I'll give an update down the road.
LMichaels, it's a dust bowl in lake elsinore. I cleaned out the inside of the AC unit outside yesterday & pulled out a gallon of dirt just sitting at bottom.
Lmichaels, so I thought about leaving the grill uncovered & I think it's a good idea. Im having a spider problem outside, plus I have a 13 month old to protect, the pest control guy said covers invite those nasty bugs, so best to leave uncovered!!
Hey all, so the spar varnish is in great condition, no deterioration. I applied it a little under 2 years ago. Again, i keep my grill outside, uncovered. It's under a covered patio & only gets morning sun. I recommend this product.
Thanks Carlos, I'm going to spar my wood in about two years, when the "regular" poly I have on it goes to crap. Should take about two years. Thank you, and NICE GRILL!

PS: Have you been enjoying it?

