Swedish mini



New member
Hi all.

So I am from Sweden and people here more often use direct heat and oversear their meat. Not my kind of thing so I heard about indirect heat cooking yers ago, I got my first OTS , and have grilled indirectly since. A divorce later led to me parting with that - to become the proud owner of a OTG and I really am happy with it. I also own a SJG that i got after my dad passed in '09 that has been sitting in the shed doing nothing useful at all since then.

Have tried using smokechips a few times but have felt they more or less burn up, charring the meat in a way i have not been happy with, so I stopped using them.

Then this spring I thought back to my visit to the States in '05 and figured i should try doing some low'n'slow like i was served at my then sister in law - i remember it as beeing sooo good. I started trying to find some info and have spent hours upon hours on youtube and google - turned out there where so much info and ideas to be inspired by.

Anyway - long story short - here I am.

Ok. As I mentioned I live in Sweden and most people here can't spell tamale, let alone direct you to a retailer selling large pots, or anything even remotely similar. So i finally ended up ordering an Imusa 32qt through ebay. Product price ok - $34 - but having a $79 priority shipping price had me choose the get-it-to-me-eventually shipping at only $31.... If things go well it will arrive only 5 weeks after order was placed. But then again, the SJG has been waiting to be used 8 years so whats a few weeks right?

Got a stainless airgrate to be used for the charcoal basket at a DIY as well as an asortement of stainless nuts and bolts. Bought a nice thermometer from ebay as well, although this time from the UK so free shipping - yay. Got two 14inch grates, and a new charcoal grate. Found a really nice thick aluminum tray that should fit perfectly as the heat diffuser. So now only the pot is missing...

I had a mental picture of how i wanted to build - thank you all who have posted guides and pictures - so i figured i could start with what i had.

So far i have added corked vent levers to all the vents, tied together the charcoal basket. So now only the pot is missing...

Oh well - I can wait a few days I thought - this was last weekend - but then yesterday morning i remembered my wife had this really tiny 11inch kettle when i met her - new in the box - that also lives in the shed. Its not a weber so a bit off topic i know - hope noone minds _/\_. So i took some measurements and then when we were out and about yesterday we passed this fleamarket - i pulled on the brakes and dove right in. Found an old 10qt pot, a thermometer and a nice old plate - all at just about $10. This would carry me over i thought. A bit worried nothing would fit I couldnt wait when we got back to try it together. The result - a mini-mini - measuring in at 11x17 inches (not counting the legs). No idea if it will work yet - waiting for the paint to set before seasoning it tomorrow. I can post a picture with the first cook if there is some interest.

And now only the pot is missing to finish the mini WSM....

Thanks for reading - and again - thanks for all the inspiration.

~ Lasse June 25th 2017
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That mini came out great.

Thanks - i appreciate that. Am just now done seasoning it to try cooking on it.
Have realized i need more influx of air, but for today i will be happy to just have it slghtly ajar to let more air into the coals :)
Love the cork on the vent handles- I will borrow that idea!

By all means - i saw the "corkhandle" on the lid in many posts, but not for the lower vents - not that i think i am the first to think about it. Thats what i think is so great about this kind of DIY project - ideas flourish and changes a little between the people doing the work - and in the end there is a host of different end products :)
Nice job on your prototype, you will enjoy the great food that comes off of these! Definitely post pictures of your final product and maiden cook! And welcome to the Forum.
Nice job on your prototype, you will enjoy the great food that comes off of these! Definitely post pictures of your final product and maiden cook! And welcome to the Forum.
Thank you I will. Just tracked the parcel to sweden so it should arrive shortly. :)
Time for an update. Passing home today and picked up the pot at the postoffice.

Unfortunately no time to finish the build due to travelling, but still happy it fit so well :) Cant wait to be back in August to get it finished !!


ps the prototype works splendidly - but far too small really. :)
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Awesome! Thanks for posting!
I'll be watching the YT clip shortly :)

How are you liking the PartyQ with the Mini?

Thank you - sorry for the late reply.
I realy like the Party-Q - it keeps the temp perfectly stable every time :)

- - - Updated - - -

Hehe, helt klart :)

Tack så mycket!
Hi Lasse,

I'm thinking of building a smoker with my SJP but can't seem to find the right tamale pot on Ebay, can you tell me the vendor where you purchased the pot, I'm from Ireland by the way.



