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    wood question

    James, To my knowledge they should be just fine to use but just to be safe call your installer and ask him. Steven B
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    Why am I getting limited smoke?

    I have noticed that when I start my smoke I have no problems holding a long steady temp. but the smoke seems to stop after about 30 minuits. Is this normal? Do I just need to keep adding fresh wood every 30 minuits? Thanks for the help Steve S
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    Smoked goose question

    I was given six goose breasts to put in the WSM this week-end. Any sugestions on how I should prepair them to be smoked? Thanks in advance Steve S
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    Salmon Smoke - Newbie Questions

    I did salmon last week (Car Dod style) It took me one hour to hit 140 Salmon was great no complaints no regrets. Steve S
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    Old Hickory smoked salt

    I use "Old Hickory smoked salt" in all my rubs. If youve never tried it then you need to find it and start using it. Which brings me to my question. For those of you that may be familiar with it you know how costly it is ($6.00 for a small bottle) in the store. Does anyone know of an on line...
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    WSM in Colorado

    Thanks for the replies. I will try the open door trick next time this happens. I did another turkey on Saturday ( the outdoor temp was much warmer)I put in many more coals added the bird dry pan and in just a few minuits I buried the temp guage past 400. I shut the bottom vents 50% and the temp...
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    WSM in Colorado

    If you live in Colorado where the altitude starts at a mile high you know that we have a whole different learning curve. My first cook on my new WSM was the turkey this thankgiving. Loaded the pan with two chimneys full of charcoal made sure they were all gray added wood added turkey on top...
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    When to rub the bird???

    The bird is rubbed. Under the skin and in the cavity. Tommorrow I will butter it up and rub the skin and put it on to smoke. All the replies were much appreciated. -Steve S
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    Good to be home.....

    Welcome home Pat. Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving -Steve S
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    When to rub the bird???

    Pete, You are very observant. I started out with a brinkman and earned my stripes the hard way and finally the wife agrees that it is time for promotion. So, from what I can see the WSM is heads and tails over my old ECB. I am very impressed with the weber quality and I did do a pre burn last...
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    When to rub the bird???

    I never read a recipe that I couldnt tweak and call my own. I was planning on using my own rub mix. Taking a stick of butter and mixing it with 2-3 Tbls of rub and putting that under the skin along with pouring my rub in every orifice i can find on the critter and then on the skin. But, the...
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    Sand question?

    Jim, "Keep your sand dry" If you use a single piece of wide foil to cover the sand you should have no problem with leakage. Best of luck to ya. Steve S
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    When to rub the bird???

    I plan on using the "Spicy Texas Turkey" Recipe that Chris Allingham put up on the board. The question I have is this; When do you recommend that I rub the bird? The night before or an hour before? This will be the maiden voyage for my WSM. Wish me luck! Steve S
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    thermometer questions

    Ron, I have been using the Pyrex for over a year now. Works great I would recomend it. I bought mine at a Bed Bath and Beyond. Ebay is a good source for what your looking for also. Best of luck to ya. Steve S
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    Digital thermometer ???

    Thank you for your replys, I should of been more specific and let you knowe it was for the meat probe. You answered my question "through the door or lid". I would of exspected that there would be to much leakage but I am glad to here that it is negligable. Steve S
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    Digital thermometer ???

    On the WSM where should I run the wire for the digital thermometer? It seems like under the hood or the door would cause leakage. Thanks Steve S
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    First burn question...

    Thanks!!! For all of the great advice. As soon as the snow melts away here (Colorado) I will do a test burn and get it ready for the Main Event on thursday. This is a great forum. I don't know anyone else who smokes that I can ask questions of. -Steve S
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    First burn question...

    I recieved my WSM from Amazon yesterday and I need to know if I need to coat the inside with oil before the first burn? I remember doing that with my Brinkman. Thank you Steve Studley

