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    Acrid smell when cooking pork?

    Nearly every time I cook pork, whether ribs or butts or shoulders, I notice a strong chemical-like acrid smell after the meat has been on the smoker for a few hours. Have any of you experienced this? It almost smells like strong Windex or something and I can't figure it out. The meat never...
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    ...from barely 8 hours to over 22. Is this typicall?

    I am cooking on the 22.5" WSM. I used to barely be able to get to 8 hours on a full chamber of charcoal using the minion method. Well, I made two small but evidently huge detail changes: 1) I actually counted the number of lit briquettes I spread on top of the unlit briquettes. I was surely...
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    Brisket with no water in pan?

    I am going to cook a brisket Saturday night into Sunday and wanted to run an idea past you guys. The last couple of times I have done brisket, I have ended up with a soggy bark due to the over-moisturized environment of the WSM with water in the pan. Have any of you smoked a brisket with a dry...
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    I made a big screwed am I?

    I failed to let my brisket rest for an hour out of the refrigerator before it went on the cooker. How badly is this going to affect the outcome? ****it...I know better too!
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    Two Part Question - Rain and Long Cooks

    what's up everybody? This is a two-part question based on my hopes to smoke a brisket on Saturday. First, its supposed to rain. How much will rain affect the cook? Do I need to rig up some kind of umbrella or cover to prevent water from seeping into the smoker? Secondly, when I have cooked...
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    here's some ribs I smoked yesterday afternoon

    Baby Back **** edit: I added the link instead of the gigantic oversized picture.
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    BIG cook this weekend...looking for some advice.

    I have a 22.5 WSM and I've smoked two turkeys and one brisket on it so far. All came out pretty well. This weekend, all the women are going to NYC. So, the men are going to BBQ. I am going to smoke four racks of baby backs and a 10-12 lb brisket all in one day. I know, I am kinda swinging for...
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    Brisket Smoke on Thursday

    Hi all, I am going to rise at about 0200 Thanksgiving morning to start smoking an 11# brisket. Forecast for my area is a low of around 34 degrees, which is what I anticipate the temp to be when I light the smoker. Any tips, ideas, suggestions, etc I should know? This will only be my second...
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    hello! FNG here...WSM is heating up as I type/

    Hi all, My 22.5" WSM is coming up to temp right now...used the minion method with no water in the pan for a 13 lb turkey! Stuffed some applewood chunks among the unlit coals too... Happy to be a part of the community! I will let you guys know how it turns out!

