Search results

  1. Larry D.

    Steak crust without “Sharpie” grill lines

    I always cook steaks outside on the grill. The grill has a stainless steel grate, so I get the traditional grill marks. I'm happy. 🙂
  2. Larry D.

    Cleaning and care of cooking grates and water pan

    I use a scraper and wire brush to clean the grate outside, but there are usually some burned on bits that require cleaning in the sink (yes, that can be messy) and/or the dishwasher. I'm still cooking on the original grates (20+ years) so it hasn't hurt them very much. I always foil the water...
  3. Larry D.

    Help with iced tea debate

    I can drink it either way. What I do not do is order unsweetened iced tea and add sugar to it. If it's unsweetened I drink it that way.
  4. Larry D.

    Will some people NEVER understand?!

    Whoomp! There it is!
  5. Larry D.

    Better way to put out coals.

    Kettle or WSM, I just close all the vents, make sure the lid is on correctly, and leave it until the next morning. I don't know how long it takes to cool down, but the majority (apparently the vast majority) of the unburned charcoal is still there. I put it into a metal bucket with a...
  6. Larry D.

    What’s your biggest or most memorable barbecuing oops?

    I once left a gas grill on high all night. The next day I looked out on the deck and saw, above the grill, that shimmering effect you see above the highway on hot summer days. The grill was mounted on the deck about two feet away from the wood railing, and I had wondered if that was enough...
  7. Larry D.

    What’s your biggest or most memorable barbecuing oops?

    #1. I was doing an overnight cook of a butt outside on our patio, controlled/monitored by my Stoker. The "fire" alarm on the Stoker woke me and I went outside to find that the door of the WSM had fallen off, and the charcoal was blazing away with all the extra air. The mini-bonfire burned up...
  8. Larry D.

    Exclusive Drawing for Forum Members: $25 Lowe's Gift Card

    And my record winless streak continues! (Congratulations, Bruce!!)
  9. Larry D.


    My Smoke Day was limited to a rack of baby back ribs. I had a real problem with temperature, even though my trusty old Stoker usually keeps it within a few degrees of the setting. Today I had the temp set at 250 but the WSM ran anywhere from 10 to 30 degrees hotter. I don't know if the Stoker...
  10. Larry D.

    Welcome to WSM Smoke Day 18 - May 28, 2022

    I'll be lighting the fire in a few minutes. Baby back ribs for dinner tonight.
  11. Larry D.


    I have this Killa Grilla grate and I love it, but I wouldn't pay $225 for one.
  12. Larry D.

    70th Anniversary Kettle is Available

    I think I'll just go out and hug my dark green 22" kettle that I got for $75 a few years ago, new in box. Maybe I'll buy it some wooden handles for its birthday. 😉
  13. Larry D.

    WSM 18” 2005 - repairing holes in base and water pan

    For the hole in the lower section I would use a small stainless steel machine screw with a washer on the inside. If you want to make it really liquid tight, wrap aluminum foil over the threads underneath the washer so that when you tighten the nut it forces the foil tightly into the hole...
  14. Larry D.

    Sticky ribs

    That's a home-made bbq sauce. I found a clone recipe of Tony Roma's rib sauce, to which I added some molasses. I brushed it on the ribs a couple of times during the last 20 minutes of cooking.
  15. Larry D.

    Hello everyone

  16. Larry D.

    Sticky ribs

    I like it because you can mix it up with no salt, though I guess you could do that with any rub. Anyway, salting the ribs separately leaves me free to put as much or as little rub on as I feel like, without worrying about getting the ribs too salty. The second rack will be cooked on Smoke Day...
  17. Larry D.

    Chance of rain

    Leftovers from this:

