Search results

  1. D

    sale on lazzari mequite lump and classic K in CA, cash and carry

    thanks for the heads up, stopped in today and got me some on sale...and a Brisket.
  2. D

    Paul Kirk Class

    When is this class supposed to be? I like his book, and think it might be fun to meet him.
  3. D

    Making your own Rub versus Purchasing

    I have almost always made my own.
  4. D

    Chuck roll sauce

    I see Chuck rolls are on sale at my local safeway, not having done one before when I pull it, what kind of sauce is recommended. I love that Fat Johnnys bastardized piedmont with pulled pork. Does it go well here? Thanks.
  5. D

    Anyone not use Minion Method?

    I also just add charcoal on top of what coals are left. Works great every time
  6. D

    Whole Pork Shoulder Blade on sale

    I am doing 4 on Sat...what a deal.
  7. D

    buffalo chuck roast

    thanks Kevin...I will go that route at some point (perhaps today)
  8. D

    buffalo chuck roast

    Has anyone smoked this, and tried to shred it, or is it to lean. I have had good resutls with beef chuck roasts.
  9. D

    Anyone heard of this smoker

    It is in the SEARS circular today, BBQ pro upright dome charcoal smoker grill ($69.99) It looks like a WSM knockoff, with 2 doors and handles etc.
  10. D

    Texas BBQ rub.

    I bought the brisket rub based on reviews from this site, and was most impressed. I used it on pork butts, and brisket last weekend.
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    The smell that permeates the neighborhood

    I dont feel bad, but then again, I like to give some to my neighbors too. I love that smelll.....did a brisket and 2 butts today..
  12. D

    Belmont party

    Looks good...did you do anything special with the beans over the rice?
  13. D

    Friday Night Flank

    Also a huge fan of flank, and cook then regularly, odd that I had never cooked one until about 4 years ago..been cooking them ever since!
  14. D

    boneless butts falling apart before cooking?

    I bought 2 boneless ones at Cash and Carry and bbqd them yesterday. The 2 in cryovac were 17lbs, but one of them was at least 10-11 lbs as it was much bigger. I tied them up best I could, and they came out great!
  15. D

    Where are the whole briskits?

    Walmarts should probably have select packers.
  16. D

    Smoked Hot Dogs

    I am not a hot dog fan...but damn this looks great, and I will probably do it sometime soon.
  17. D

    How do you store your charcoal to keep fresh?

    I just keep mine in the garage...never had a problem with it.
  18. D

    how long coals last with standard method?

    I concur with Clark.
  19. D

    Best Place to Buy Smoke Wood?

    I guess it depends on where you live. I have had luck looking on those home heating shops for Alder, and Apple,and I have a friend in the wine business where I get oak wine barrel wood. I get my hickory at walmart
  20. D

    How long have you owned your WSM?

    Had mine like 2 years..for the 5 years before that I used a New Braunfels offset..I love the WSM.

