I am just getting started BBQing and wondering what the best place to buy smoke wood. I know that Home Depot has mesquite and hickory but what about other woods? Is online the best way to go?
I guess it depends on where you live. I have had luck looking on those home heating shops for Alder, and Apple,and I have a friend in the wine business where I get oak wine barrel wood. I get my hickory at walmart
I've had good luck with the local Barbecues Galore shop. They're at bbqgalore.com. Good selection of chunks and chips, the former in 15-20lb bags; also small logs for chimineas. I usually go for apple or the nut woods.
definitely check out orchards. I was lucky enough tonight to go to one where they cut down several trees. They had brush piles of apple would they were going to burn. Friend and I went in with a chain saw and cutters and ended up with two pickup trucks full for free.