Where are the whole briskits?


Dennis Collins

New member
I'm in Knoxville, TN and I'm ready for another stab at briskit (the first was a bit of a disaster, but I digress). The problem is, I can't find anyone in town who sells them whole anymore. They have flats all day long, but a whole briskit is non-existent. What's the deal? They don't even have them at Sam's, just the flats.
That's why I moved to Texas
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Dennis Collins:
I'm not ready to move just for briskit - but it's still a bit mystifying why suddenly the retailers are just stocking the flat. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Dennis, try finding a butcher or talking with the meat packer/cutter at the local grocery store and they can order some for you. You may have to buy a whole case if they're not planning on stocking them, but at least you'd have briskets for a while.
Up here on LI, I can only find flats unless I go to a butcher shop. The only problem with going to a butcher is that you pay twice the price of markets and clubs.
A funny thing happened when I got to Kroger.....

I've been lamenting the fact that there weren't any whole briskits. Haven't seen them in months. I give up, post my woes to the discussion board and then that very night, I walk into Kroger to get dinner fixin's and there they are. A bunch of 'em. I picked out a nice 14 pounder.

Maybe these things are seasonal, it might have been last year around this time that I found my last one. Maybe no one buys them outside of the summer months. But whatever, I probably will go back and get a least one more for the freezer.

Now off to the beef forum for some recipe ideas for this bad boy. Thanks for the suggestions from all. Now I don't have to move to Texas.....
I would suggest making friends with someone in the food trade like a caterer or a restaurant manager/owner. They have access to wholesale meat packers who have any cut of meat you can imagine.

Ask them if you can trade them some Q if they sell you the meat at cost.

My sister is a caterer and she got me a nice 14 lb brisket at $1.49/lb.

