Search results

  1. W

    Getting close to Kingsford charcoal deals?

    I've been a loyal KBB person for yrs, but ever since I tried B&B Oak I haven't looked back. This stuff is probably even better and I plan on grabbing a couple of bags while it's on sale.
  2. W

    Red Weber Performer

    You have a very nice grill............but $250 may be stretching it, given the issues with the lid and no gas tank. You can always start there and go down, as it's almost impossible (once you list) to go up.
  3. W

    50 pack of masks for $10.49 - Keep your nose (and mouth) clean!

    Kyle, Masks arrived yesterday and I'm amazed by the quality, especially for the price. I give these two thumbs up. Thanks again!
  4. W

    50 pack of masks for $10.49 - Keep your nose (and mouth) clean!

    Wow...............thanks for this, Kyle. Just placed an order myself............for the same price OTD ($11.12 after taxes, free shipping). We'll test drive these together.
  5. W

    heat shield

    Haven't used the heat shield but have used this (with outstanding results).
  6. W

    Green Performer (?) in Ormond Beach, FL

    Correct-o. I'll blame it on aging............. :o
  7. W

    Green Performer (?) in Ormond Beach, FL

    Could be because he's not sure it's a Perfomer (it's actually an OTP - One Touch Platinum).
  8. W

    Lowering the charcoal grate for smoking in a 26er

    That's great engineering, but you might find yourself manually cleaning out the ashes more for long smokes (as there's less space for accumulation and airflow will be more restricted).
  9. W

    WSM 18.5 w/ extra bottom and center section-NJ-SOLD

    If you were anywhere NEAR the deep south (Georgia specifically) I'd already have it. Let me know if you'd consider selling and shipping just the lower base (I could use a replacement).
  10. W

    First Grill?

    Add the following: 1. Chimney starter 2. Set of lighting cubes (or tumbleweed starters or similar) 3. Small propane lighter
  11. W

    Red limited edition kettles

    I wonder if they really have any in stock, or just haven't updated their website. Of their 270 reviews only one is a year old; the rest are 2 years or more, which is when they were being closed out.
  12. W

    Clearance Charcoal @ Kroger: 12 lbs Frontier Briquettes for $2.99

    Here's a review from BBQ Brethren...........looks like you got a deal.
  13. W

    Weber premium lid holder.

    The Premium is basically the Gold. Like the Gold it has the ash catcher and a lid hook instead of a bale.
  14. W

    Rare Weber Summit Charcoal Grilling Center 24" w/ Cover - Excellent - $1,400

    Depends. You’d give up some overall capacity versus a 22-inch WSM (1-24 inch cooking grid vs 2-22 Inch). And if you use aftermarket utilities that make your WSM more flexible then you sacrifice even more. For example I have a Hunsaker rib hanger and vortex plate for my 22-inch WSM. I can...
  15. W

    Weber Summit Kamado E6 initial review

    In terms of Weber Charcoal grills and smokers I have some iteration or version of everything they have or have offered, except a GA, Ranch and this. Never wanted the other two, but was looking forward to one day acquiring one of these..............perhaps used, on the relative-cheap. Seeing...
  16. W

    Help me decide - Premium or MT

    I am nowhere near 6 feet tall, but agree with everyone else that the MasterTouch is the way to go. Lid bale alone was enough for me, but when combined with a Weber table it's a near-perfect grilling setup.
  17. W

    Hunsaker is running a 15% off sale

    Discount code "SMOKE"
  18. W

    Performers metal table rusty

    Weber really missed the mark on the newer metal tables. Rust seems to be very common with the newest series, and I personally prefer the thermoplastic (I have two and had zero issues). Hopefully they go with a more durable finish or different material altogether. Unacceptable for a grill that...
  19. W

    2nd generation Weber Summit charcoal

    At this point I'd be content with just the dome, bowl, and internal components. Let me build my own table - drop it in. Keep the cheap tripod. #done #forever #dreamcharcoalsetup :cool:
  20. W

    Kyle - this one was up your alley

    Tell me you were the one who scored this............

