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  1. Russell Y

    Weber Skyline rejuvenation

    Just picked up a working Weber Skyline 1200lp. Pictures will follow. First step is regulator. Original regulator is a pressure fitting to the propane tank. Pressure fitting adapter is well worn which leads to my first purchase for rejuvenation. How long do pressure regulators last? This one...
  2. Russell Y

    Genesis 1200 Skyline Series refurbish job

    I just picked up a Skyline. It has a regulator with a pressure fitting and I am looking for a replacement. Did you replace yours? What model number was the regulator? Thanks.
  3. Russell Y

    Summit S-670

    Wood has temperature range when it will smoke. Temperature too low, no combustion or smoke, temperature too high, no smoke just burning and flame. Smoker box, foil with holes are methods of keeping the chips from burning (less oxygen). If turn on all of the burners, the smoke box on the side...
  4. Russell Y

    Pastrami done--now I have a storage question

    I think it depends on how you might reheat it. Heat and eat, I'd slice it later. Boil in beef broth, dip bread in broth and eat, I'd slice and seal.
  5. Russell Y

    Turkey Problems

    A Dolly Parton Turkey might have trouble getting the white meat cooked before the dark meat is dried out. One method is ice packs. When you leave the turkey out so it can come to room temperature, cover the area that gets overcooked with ice packs. When it comes time to put the turkey on the...
  6. Russell Y

    So I did it.........

    Don't know how much you've cooked without one but ...... Stay away for water in the pan. Enjoy your good nights sleep on your first overnighter. As Ron Popeil says "Set it and forget it".
  7. Russell Y

    pros/cons of Smoke EZ & Cajun Bandit

    Another site's discussions -...
  8. Russell Y

    The Great Debate: 18 or 22?

    Fuel Consumption 18 vs 22 - Whenever I cook on the 18, my wife says "Why don't you cook more meat, it uses the same amount of charcoal" So... fill up that 22 with meat and your cost of charcoal/amount of meat cooked will be less in a 22 than an 18.
  9. Russell Y

    Slow cooked 11pound rib roast???

    Time to temperature also depends on if you put it in the smoker directly from the refrigerator or let it come to room temperature by taking it out of the refrigerator an hour or so before the cook. So keep this in mind when using other people's recommendations.
  10. Russell Y

    Just bought a partyQ for WSM 225...any tips?

    Use 3/4 metal plugs to cover the holes.
  11. Russell Y

    Don't bother resting your meat?

    My steak is a small roast. So if I need to rest a roast it follows that I need to rest my smaller roast. Eating is partially sight, if I see liquid on the plate, in my mind the steak is less juicy (whether it is or not it's too late for my brain to think otherwise) Aged steaks have less...
  12. Russell Y

    Too much charcoal

    "I had 2baby backs, 2 pork butts (10lbs) and 1/2 brisket (6lbs)!" Wow, that's a lot of q. After cooks, I close all vents and let the coals go out. They stay there until my next cook. Depending on how many coals, I might just pile some more coals on and light or take them out and use them for a...
  13. Russell Y

    Top too big.

    Back to Target for pot and pair of pliers. :)
  14. Russell Y

    Top too big.

    I returned pot to Target. Inside diameter of Smokey Joe lid is 14 5/8. The outside diameter of the pot was 14 11/16 just a smidgen too large. The top of your pot needs to be just under the 14 5/8. If your lid is not perfectly round, you should be able to squeeze it a little to fit.
  15. Russell Y

    Top too big.

    Got a 32qt from target. Lid just doesn't quite fit. Is there a mod or do I take it back?
  16. Russell Y

    Quick Question on Initial Temp Control

    ATC = too much air. This is a "depends". My ATC has a damper which can be closed to almost nothing. 170 for ATC. If your ATC can control air to this temperature, the trick is not lighting too many coals. Depending on how long of a cook at 170, no one says you have to load up the charcoal...
  17. Russell Y

    Beef tenderloin

    Foiling spare ribs is one way to cook spares. You will get many opinions on whether it is necessary to foil ribs. Foiling is steaming the ribs to get them tender. Foil the too long, they get too soft. I don't foil my ribs and cook til tender. Remember KIS - keep it simple. You will find people...
  18. Russell Y

    Beef tenderloin

    "chicken and spare rips" my guess is ribs. Spare or baby back or beef? Chicken is usually a heat cook but can be low and slow. Spare ribs are 4 to 6 hours. Baby backs 3-5 hours. Maybe spare ribs for a few hours and chicken on near the end? The beef is so hypnotizing, the chicken and spare ribs...

