Summit S-670


Bill - Bigbill

Proud new owner of a SUMMIT S-670 NG. Just found this forum the other night and signed up. Looking for any tips or comments on using any and all the features. Have tried Smoker Box twice so far, and wood chunks burn out way too quickly, (first time they soaked 1 hour, and then I tried overnight). Any hints/tricks? Thanks
Wood has temperature range when it will smoke. Temperature too low, no combustion or smoke, temperature too high, no smoke just burning and flame.

Smoker box, foil with holes are methods of keeping the chips from burning (less oxygen). If turn on all of the burners, the smoke box on the side will get too hot to generate smoke. Try a more moderate temperature.

What food were you trying to add smoke to? What temperature were you cooking at?
Russell, Thanks for the tips on the foil and overall temps. I was just sort of playing around trying to add some Smoke Flavor to some sausage I was grilling (indirect). I had burners adjacent to smoke box lit, so I imagine temp on that side got too high and wood burned too quickly. But thats for the future. Finally going to try my SMOKENATOR for the first time Sunday on my Kettle, (sitting in box for last 2 years). Wish me luck

