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  1. B

    Minion Method too hot

    I measure right at the grill level with a Polder on a wine cork. The thermo recently tested accurate within 2 degrees. Trust me that cooker was hot! Next mm attempt I will start with 15 coals, tepid water, and a smaller bed of fuel. (assuming I have another 4-5lb cut of meat.) I'm sure if I...
  2. B

    Minion Method too hot

    After all these Qs I decided to try my first Minion Method on a 4.6lb pork shoulder. I made some errors and would like to share my experience. If only I had consulted the discussions first! My mistakes: 1. Too many coals to start. I fired up 25. Kingsford. 2. Too much coal in the ring. I really...
  3. B

    Low Cooking Temp.

    This is strange. How much meat was on the cooker? That bad boy should have still been pushing 300 after two chimneys even with the meat on. What was the state of the coals after the cook? All burnt or some leftovers? Bob
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    Just ordered WSM!!

    I live in Boston (West Roxbury). Brookline Ice and Coal is near the intersection of Route 9, the Jamaicaway/Riverway, at 610 Brookline Ave. I have bought apple wood and lump charcoal there. Nice people. As others suggested: Accessorize! Chimney Starter Gloves Polder thermometer Beer I agree...
  5. B

    Pork Picnic Dilemma

    Lazy Bob here. A new wholesale club came to my neighborhood last week. The good news is they carry brisket, pork picnic shoulder, spares, baby backs and every other cut imaginable. The bad news...except PORK BUTT! I haven't cozied up to the butchers yet but (but?) so far haven't found the good...
  6. B

    Easy Ribs

    Exactly! I was tired of spreading out the Q books, assembling all the spices, keeping an eagle eye on that mythical 225 temp...blah blah blah... Unfortunately (or fortunately), with a rambunctious four year old, and everything else going on in my life I can't just kick back with a cold one and...
  7. B

    Easy Ribs

    I love my WSM. I love Chris' website. I love to eat. I don't love working too hard at cooking! That said I wanted to relay a very successful que last Sunday. I decided to dumb down my smoking experience for a number of reasons, but mainly I got lazy and did the folowing: 1. Prepared a small...
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    My first butt

    Way to go NJ Steve! I cooked my 6th-ever butt on Monday and what I learned after all those tries was to wait wait wait, until the internal hits 180. The meat really changes texture after 170 and I finally got what I was looking for: Heaven for 99 cents a pound! BTW: A friend stopped by to check...
  9. B

    Lid vs Top Grate Temp

    Oops, forgot to mention I started with cold water to bring the temp down, and added hot during the cook. Thanks again guys. Bob
  10. B

    Lid vs Top Grate Temp

    To answer y'all: The temps started to come together closer after about 4 hours. At the end of the cook the thermos were only about 20 degrees apart. The WSM has been used at least 15 times. I fired it up with a chimney-full then added another layer on top (briquettes). Thinking back, maybe the...
  11. B

    Lid vs Top Grate Temp

    I tested my cheapo candy thermo and Polder with the boiling point calc. and they were very close to accurate. For the first time I wanted to see the difference between lid temp with the candy thermo and top grate with the polder in a potato. To my surprise the difference is nearly 55 degrees...
  12. B

    Reports of Oversized Top Cooking Grates

    Now that I have used my WSM a few times the out of round condition has sort of "fixed itself". I marked the best fit between bottom and middle before my first session and it is very snug. I still fiddle with the access door, striving for a more flush fit. Bob
  13. B

    Temp Control Epiphany (long)

    This past weekend I actually found a spare couple of hours to barbecue (whole chicken-quartered). Not enough time to fire up the WSM so I went with my trusty old 22 1/2" Weber Kettle. Subscribing to this and lurking the KC BBQ Forum I have learned much about temperature control. I bought a...
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    Reports of Oversized Top Cooking Grates

    I received my new grate within a week, and sure enough it fits like a glove. Thanks Weber! Any suggestions as to what to do with the almost-brand-new oversized grate? Bob
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    Reports of Oversized Top Cooking Grates

    I'm glad I followed this thread. I checked my WSM this morning and lo and behold that grate does NOT sit on top of the straps. I was wondering about that when I assembled the cooker, but was preoccupied with the fact the middle section was out of round and not a perfect tight fit. (I fiddled...
  16. B

    Internal Temps high?

    Uh oh... my ignorance of meat cuts is exposed!! I actually bought something I didn't want. It was labeled "Sirloin Pork Roast", but I expected wasn't. I cooked it anyway and it was darn good. Just a little more work to debone it. The minimum internal temp for pork in Massachusetts...
  17. B

    Internal Temps high?

    I cooked my first Pork Roast last week and never made it to 170 (meas. w/Polder).I took it off at 159 and cut it open to check. It was cooked and delicious. I thought a minimum of 155 was sufficient for pork anyway? Bob
  18. B

    New WSM fit

    Hey hey! I finally have my WSM and put it together, but the center section and the bottom section don't fit too well. I think the bottom is a bit out of round. Before I go at it with a mallet, anyone know if this is common? The gap seems like it will let smoke escape, and I really don't want to...

