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  1. B

    S J. Gold Mini WSM Smoker

    Is anyone doing anything funky with the steamer tray or lid after they do their mods? I like to think I'm creative but I'm always surprised at what other people come up with.
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    S J. Gold Mini WSM Smoker

    My tamale steamer is on it's way. I should have it by Friday. I'll post pics of how I mod it out. I'm really looking forward to turning my SJS into an ABT machine. Right now I only use it to hold my chimney while I'm firing up the WSM.
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    S J. Gold Mini WSM Smoker

    This is an awesome mod! I've been wanting to take my 18" WSM to the office so everyone can experience fresh off the smoker ABTs but really didn't want the hassle of transporting it. I just ordered my tamale steamer from Target. If anyone can post pics of the tools they used to cut the bottom...
  4. B

    source for WSM 22 clay saucer?

    I got a 14" clay saucer from Walmart. I think it was $11. I love using it in the my WSM. I will never go back to water.
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    Question about clay saucer......

    I use a clay saucer but rarely use the bottom rack. I take my temps underneath the top rack and there's not much difference between there the vent. A foiled saucer in the pan makes for super easy clean up. Plus I don't have to worry about the water running short on long over night cooks...
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    Savory Brisket Rub

    Wow. Great looking brisket. Be sure to post a finished pic.
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    Kettle Therm Mod

    I added a thermometer I salvaged off a damaged E-310 gasser lid someone was giving away on Craigslist.
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    Anyone ever seen this grill before

    This guy says he has a Weber Gas Kettle. Take a look at the pic. Is it really a Weber? Thanks!
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    A better way to light off your Chimney

    You can also check out this site for instructions on how to make a mini stove. I love this website.
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    A better way to light off your Chimney

    "Denatured alcohol is ethanol to which poisonous and foul-tasting chamicals have been added to make it unfit for drinking. There is more than one recipe for denaturing alcohol; some add methanol or isopropanol, some gasoline, and so on." Why would you want to use this? Why not use rubbing...
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    Project: Kettle Table

    Thanks for the info. How do you like the cast iron grates? Branon
  12. B

    Project: Kettle Table

    This is exactly what I want to build. What is the diameter of the hole you used? Thanks, Branon
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    Temps still too high

    Where is your thermo placed? What kind of fuel are you using? Mine runs at 250 all the time and I love it.
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    Project: Kettle Table

    George, That looks awesome! Keep us posted on how it preforms.
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    Ribs - do you rub with yellow mustard?

    I've tried mustard 2 times on ribs and butts and will never use it again. It's messy and I've never had a problem with the rub sticking to the meat.
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    Weekend cooks

    Those ribs look great!
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    Cooking in bear country

    I have 3 words for you: Circle of fire. Keep it roaring.
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    Cooking directly on a wsm

    I didn't intentionally take the chicken to those temps. I just let it rip for 1.5 hours before I checked it. Like I said before it was some of the best chicken ever and I did not marinade or baste it in any way. Even the left overs were great after some nuking. I think cooking it with the skin...
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    Book winners!

    I don't see my name on the winner's list... again.
  20. B

    Cooking directly on a wsm

    I made two chicken halves tonight. I used one semi-lit 3/4 full chimney and dumped that onto about a 1/4 chimney of unlit lump (more than enough coals). Kept the main chamber off for a few minutes to let the fire spread and heat up. Left the vents wide open for the first 20 minutes (grate level...

