Search results

  1. B

    Scored a redhead

    It has the One touch system.
  2. B

    Scored a redhead

    Just picked up a redheard and weber charcoal starter for $30. She's an H model and I thought she was in good condition for being around since 94 but just checked and H is the 86 model so she's in great shape for being 25 y/o. Handle needs to be straightened and a needs a little touch up paint...
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    Rindless belly help

    Thanks for the replies. It's drying in the fridge now and will be smoked tomorrow. I'll update with pics.
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    Rindless belly help

    I bought a whole belly the other day and it's currently in a nice brine bath. The problem is it came with the rind/skin already removed. I've only smoked bacon with the rind attached and it seems to add a protective layer that prevents too much fat from rendering. Is there anything that can be...
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    Newbie bacon

    Looks awesome. I smoked up some bacon yesterday as well.
  6. B

    Where to buy brisket and butt in Saint Louis

    Walmart for whole brisket - $1.98/lb and Schnucks or Shop and Save for butts when they are on sale for $.99 like this week. If you join the St. Louis BBQ Society you get access to Restaurant Depot off Manchester near Hampton. Lots of cool stuff in there. The walk in meat cooler is worth the...
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    Another Bacon thread!

    Try a few whole allspice berries next time. I added about 8 to my brine and initially the smell was somewhat powerful and I regretted adding them but the little bit of flavor they provided was awesome. Try using some brown sugar or molasses in place of some of the white sugar. Definitely rinse...
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    My first WSM project - Pastrami

    Looks awesome. What cut of beef it it? Buy a coffee grinder just for spices.
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    Bacon - dry or wet cure

    I'm in the process of making my first batch of bacon. I used a wet cure for 3 days and air drying in the fridge for 2. Plan on smoking them tomorrow. My next batch will be dry cured to compare. I prefer dry curing for everything else but heard the wet cure was the way to go with bacon so it...
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    Making my 1st pancetta - sort of.

    The Pancetta has been drying in the basement since Wednesday night. It looks and smells great. Will post some updated pics soon. Thanks for all the price searching everyone is doing. Like a I said before if anyone wants to go in on a case of bellies just let me know.
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    Making my 1st pancetta - sort of.

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Tom Fischer: Branon.......I know this would be a drive for you (I'm guessing around 40 miles), but Hansen Packing Meats in Jerseyville, IL can get you...
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    Making my 1st pancetta - sort of.

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Bob Correll: Have you asked at Herrell's Market about bellies? I did a few years back, and as I recall they said they could get them in, but I never put...
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    Making my 1st pancetta - sort of.

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Wolgast: I guess you will be sorry though,For not making more at the same time. </div></BLOCKQUOTE> That's all they had.
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    Making my 1st pancetta - sort of.

    I saw one of your posts about you finding it in a Farm and Home type store and figured it was Bucheits. I live in Imperial and will be heading down there this weekend. Where do you get your pork bellies from?
  15. B

    Making my 1st pancetta - sort of.

    I received the Charcuterie book for Xmas and have been reading it on an almost daily basis. After checking with a few butchers with no luck I found a slab of Fresh Pork Side at Global Foods. GF is a really neat store in Kirkwood, MO for you local folks. They have some of the best prices in town...
  16. B

    honestly - is weber one touch better than Lowes knockoff?

    I have 2 OTG I got from craigslist. Bought one 2 years ago for $50 and have been hooked ever since. Picked up another 3 months ago for $30. Each were less than 2 years old. If I had to I would totally buy each of them brand new. They are awesome grills.
  17. B

    difference in time to cook performer vs. silver/gold

    I start my coals in a chimney on the side burner of my gasser. Usually 2 minutes on the gas and then 5-10 minutes in the kettle. I use mostly lump so they start up real quick.
  18. B

    22" OTG DIY'd into 22" WSM

    The ring came in two pieces. Here you can see the other bolts that hold up the top grill.
  19. B

    22" OTG DIY'd into 22" WSM

    There are bolts connecting the 2 ring halves plus the 2 screws I added making 4 points of contact.

