Search results

  1. J Pichey

    Caveman Style Rolled FLank Steak

    That's an idea. I may try that next time. But it's hard to wait when your 6 beers in and starving. :) I will just add the grate next time and finish them on indirect.
  2. J Pichey

    St Louis Spares, Brats n Crashers

    MMMMMmmmmmm.......... Tasteeeeeee
  3. J Pichey

    Second Job on New WSM - Salmon

    Matt, The best lesson learned on this cook is that it's bad luck to smoke salmon for Tigers games. :( Great looking cook!!!
  4. J Pichey

    Caveman Style Rolled FLank Steak

    Hey Alan, I thought the exact same thing and needed some explanation as well at first. The key is using Lump instead of regular charcoal. This does not ash on the meat. It does not ash like regular charcoal. There are no ashes at all on the meat. I've cooked a few rib eyes this way and they...
  5. J Pichey

    Caveman Style Rolled FLank Steak

    I was a judge at a recent cook off and one of the "OPEN" entries was a great stuffed rolled up flank steak. I thought I would give it a shot and cook it CAVEMAN style directly on the coals. Started with grilled onions, mushrooms, blue cheese and some serrano peppers. These things are HOT...
  6. J Pichey

    I'm back...and I have pork steaks

    these look great. I need to find these at the local butcher and give them a try.
  7. J Pichey

    SHOW US YOUR BBQ PIT CAVE (pics!!) :)

    Here is my BBQ man cave.
  8. J Pichey

    Second Job on New WSM - Salmon

    Hey Matt, Wad up some paper towel and pour some vegetable or canola oil all over it. Don't soak it, but enough to dampen the paper towel. Place that under the chimney and light it. This helps me when it's windy. It lights easily and keeps the flame going longer. Have fun! GO TIGERS!!!!!!
  9. J Pichey

    Looks like a lot of folks kept it "simple" tonight. Me too..........

    Looks great. I love the Yoshidas. Great flavor. Well done!
  10. J Pichey

    Hello from Essex, England

    Hey David. Welcome aboard. We love pics here, so don't forget the camera. :)
  11. J Pichey

    Last Night's Cowboy Grillin'

    Thats what i'm talking about. Very tasty looking.
  12. J Pichey

    gourmet meal

    Nothing wrong with that at all. great cook. That tomato looks great.
  13. J Pichey

    My Variation of Pepper Stout Beef

    Oh Boy!!!! I like it. Great cook
  14. J Pichey

    Chops & Hasselbocks

    I think you should just drink them with a Shiner Bock and then you can refer to them as Hasselbocks. Problem solved. :)
  15. J Pichey

    Bone Suckin Ribs.

    That is some good looking piggy.
  16. J Pichey

    Hi From Mid Mi

    Welcome Chris! Glad to have ya. Don't forget the pics.
  17. J Pichey

    Howdy from Michigan

    Hey Matt, Welcome to the board. I lived in East Grand Rapids for 6 years and still miss the winters. You will love your new WSM. Great job on the ribs.
  18. J Pichey

    Easter Apricot Bourbon Glazed Ham

    Are those raisins for eyes? Great looking cook!
  19. J Pichey

    Ribinator 2000!

    Great job. You will love your Mini!

