Search results

  1. Jerry N.

    Corned Beef Recipe

    Okay, I’m convinced. I’ll do the corned beef per the recipe but I’ll have to roast the vegetables differently. My wife cannot tolerate dairy so I’ll have to think about whether our normal butter substitute will work (it’s basically oil). The sour cream is fine because they do make a pretty...
  2. Jerry N.

    Corned Beef Recipe

    I’ll have to try that another time. It’s too far from what I’m used to and don’t want to have a screw up with family coming over. Though, it does look good. It seems like roasting the meat takes a very short time compared to braising. The meat comes out tender in that short time?
  3. Jerry N.

    Corned Beef Recipe

    Anyone have a good recipe for corned beef and cabbage for St. Patty's day? I'd like to use my dutch oven. I'm also wondering if anyone has a preference between just braising the corned beef or searing it on all sides before adding the braising liquid (which should include Guiness). I'd also...
  4. Jerry N.

    Flashlight junkies

    I bought that one at Costco and I do not particularly like it. The beam is too wide. Much like a flood light instead of a direct beam. Useful in some instances but generally, I prefer a more focused beam. If you're a flashlight junkie, check out Jason at darksucks(.com). He makes some great...
  5. Jerry N.

    Anyone else love grilling in sub freezing temps?

    I generally cook any time of year because I don’t like cooking meat in the house. However, there’s no doubt I grill less in the winter and I haven’t done a smoke in the winter in years. Still, it is great to pull out the grill in the winter. If nothing else, it give my neighbors something to...
  6. Jerry N.

    New Jumbo Joe grate recommendation

    Interesting eBay interaction. I reached out to Dave to see if he would fabricate a heavy duty grate for my Jumbo Joe. To do so, I had to set up an eBay account and send him a message. Somehow that triggered an algorithm and my account got suspended. I sent eBay an email explaining the...
  7. Jerry N.

    New Jumbo Joe grate recommendation

    Did a little searching and it doesn't look like he (Dave) makes a grate for the Jumbo Joe (18" round). Best I could find was one made of 7 gauge stainless steal. In the picture that doesn't look any thicker than a standard grate.
  8. Jerry N.

    New Jumbo Joe grate recommendation

    Okay, we can add that to the list. They’re in the same price range. What advantage would I get from heavy duty stainless versus the grate that it comes with? I’m sure it would last longer but would it cook any different? Any better?
  9. Jerry N.

    New Jumbo Joe grate recommendation

    I’m looking to upgrade the grate for my jumbo joe. Which would be better (I know, subjective) a Grill Grates insert or a cast iron grate. The cast iron seems to be about $20 more but at these prices, price is not a deciding factor between to two. Which one will cook better, clean up better...
  10. Jerry N.

    Wings - need advice.

    Not sure about the “best”, but I’ll be using Rockwood hardwood lump because that’s what I have. (y)
  11. Jerry N.

    Wings - need advice.

    After reading these posts, I’m pretty sure my first cook will just be with the gasser. I have an east west Genesis so I can set the back burner on high and maybe the middle one on low to get over 400 degrees and then indirect them for 40 minutes or so. That will give me a chance to test a rub...
  12. Jerry N.

    Wings - need advice.

    I’m not sure but if they’re whole wings, I will trim them up.
  13. Jerry N.

    Wings - need advice.

    This is the part that’s hard to understand. I cook a nice size boneless skinless chicken breast at 400 in about 10 to 15 min. It really takes 40 minutes to cook a little wing? I’ve seen this in other instructions but it just seems way over the top. I guess they have enough fat to stay moist?
  14. Jerry N.

    Wings - need advice.

    My daughters bought me a meat box as a gift which includes wings. I like wings but have never done them at home. I have a Genesis gasser, a WSM smoker and a Jumbo Joe charcoal grill. I have never deep fried at home and do not want to entertain doing so. With the equipment I have, could...
  15. Jerry N.

    Waygu Burgers

    The ground beef didn't look too outrageous. Grass fed organic ground beef at my local Kroger is $8.50 a pound. SRF waygu ground beef is $14. More, but seems within reason. However, given the feedback, I think I'll pass on this one. Thanks all.
  16. Jerry N.

    Waygu Burgers

    Has anyone tried Waygu burgers? I’ve never had Waygu beef and figured cooking up some burgers would be a good place to start. Wondering if they actually taste any different than a regular burger (thinking they’d have too much fat) and wondering if you would cook them any different. Also...
  17. Jerry N.

    Kingsford Charcoal

    Wow, no big sale on Kingsford p for Memorial Day. Just a few bucks off. $17.88 for two 16 pound bags. I feel old - “back in my day, Memorial Day was a big charcoal sale time.” Oh well.
  18. Jerry N.

    Sirloin Tips

    Stir fry it is (was). Pretty good but wasn’t much different than when we use chicken. Still, we used up some of the gift box, so that’s good.
  19. Jerry N.

    Freezing Whole Smoked Brisket

    Agree. I don’t see the need for freezing. Cooling, yes. Vacuum pack the slices and put in a cooler for travel. Drop the vacuum pack(s) in boiling water to heat them up and you’re good to go.
  20. Jerry N.

    Kingsford Charcoal

    Costco just sent me a new flyer. Kingsford Professional will be going on sale for $5.50 off. Not sure of the total price - they usually don't sent that out - just the discount. Limit 3. Looks like the 2-pack 18lbs. Starts May 15th.

