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  1. R

    Quick question about burnt ends

    I buy full packers. I either separate the point from the flat myself which is not all that hard to do before cooking as the point typically need to cook longer. Else I ask the butcher to do it. I have also performed the technique where you seperate the point after the flat is testing about done...
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    Santa Maria Grill for Kettles

    Hey folks - as mentioned before I really like the build of the Caliente Tuscan Grill kit for the Weber Kettle. Except for a few production issues. 1. My unit had an undersized E-Ring that came off during my first cook allowing one side of the fuel grate to drop. Lucky for me it was fully...
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    Santa Maria Grill for Kettles

    Big roadside chicken cook using the Caliente yesterday. Unfortunately the E-ring holding the end of the crankshaft in place popped off during use, dropping that side of the shaft making the elevation function unusable. Upon assembly I noticed that the E-Ring seemed undersized and only partially...
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    Santa Maria Grill for Kettles

    RE the Caliente Tuscan in Scott Zee's post. Finally getting around to using mine. Have it assembled and ready to go. Going to make a ton of roadsde chicken for a large part this Sunday. Very solid build. The stacked WSM18 will be in play loaded with ribs and beans. Does anyone know the contact...
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    Guru eyelets

    Most definitely! You'll need a standard round stock with a hole drilled through it - else you drill the holes yourself. You need to relief the top ends to create a flange on the mandrel and the eyelet then waste out to the proper barrerl diameter. The mandrel also needs a round over to provide...
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    Guru eyelets

    Rusty - PM sent.
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    Guru eyelets

    Would definitely stick with stainless. Just because of expansion characteristics and wall thickness of barrel. Very thing. with use aluminum wouldn't hold up IMHO
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    Guru eyelets

    OK so I found mine. Mic'd all the measurements. No way I'll post all that here. PM me and we can talk live and follow up. These eyes are worth every cent IMHO. And I think the Guru product is the best one on the market. JMHO There's some decent machining that has to be done to make them. These...
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    Guru eyelets

    I think I have a few laying around - will have a look today/tomorrow. I remember switching to a longer SS allen head screw for completing the install. Excellent product - I remember calling them and they reduced the shipping cost to 1st class USPS envelope rather than standard shipping for...
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    Rib Rub

    I've combined this with my own version from years ago that I was using before Kevin's original post. My tweak is to use Vietnamese cinnamon, a little heavier than he does (I use 1t) and also add in a good dose of ground cardamom (3/4 -1 t). It's perfect and have probably done several hundred...
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    Keri's Hog-Apple Baked Beans

    This is an always go to base recipe for me for over 10 years. I use a BIG heavy aluminum cake pan and let the ribs, brisket or shoulder drip in - else leave it on the top rack and add drippings in manually. They smoke very nicely regardless of which tier they are on. I'm typicall using a...
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    My first kitchen remodel

    Well you are more like me then :-) I'm with you on the tile BTW. I did my current kitchen in 1996 which was a total gut, redesign etc. Floor ceiling, cabinets, plumping electrical, etc, etc. I think the bid was for 35K and we did it for about 12K with really nice appliances and custom Rutt...
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    Need Help From Someone Near Lyndonville, VT

    Hello - in addition to Q and Grilling I have other interests one is woodworking. There is an item on Craigslist in Lyndonville VT that I really want to purchase. But the seller only wants local pickup. I would front the cost to pay for your time and travel to pick up the item and ship it to me...
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    My first kitchen remodel

    I have probably done about 6 kitchen DIY's and about to do a 7th soon. You are doing nice work. Everything has to work into a budget and it seems you are working that pretty well! DIY means you have lots of flexibility in the project that you wouldn't if you were totally dependent on...
  15. R

    Need some advice....

    For a crowd I would stay with what you've been using. I typically stay with choice for brisket and chuck and whatever I can get that looks good for pork/boston butt. The connective tissue and long slow cooks in these cuts compensates just fine. IMHO the additional margin to be gained by using...
  16. R

    Santa Maria Grill for Kettles

    Thanks folks. Although I like the idea of a standalone SM grill like Jim Lampe shared I just don't have the space for a 4th piece of gear. Picked up a copy of the Caliente accessory Scott shows. Should have it next week! Really like the build on it.
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    Santa Maria Grill for Kettles

    Wasn't getting response notices, this is the first time I had a chance to look on line. Thanks!! I'll have a look and update if I make move on something.
  18. R

    Santa Maria Grill for Kettles

    Was curious if anyone has tried any of the Santa Maria type Grill inserts out on the market recently for use on Weber kettles. Been using my Performer and WSM for years and really like the versatility. Always wanted a solution to easily adjust grill height and the round style SMG accessories...
  19. R

    WSM or Kettle

    Agreed on beer can chicken. A lot of hype in terms of moisture. I like the stands though from a convenience/stacking perspective, I just don't by into the idea that any fluid in the can gets into the chicken. So drink the beer and use the can as a support with the stand. Any fluid you put in the...

