Guru eyelets



New member
Does anyone have 1 eyelet they would be willing to send me. I am pretty sure I can make them myself but I would prefer seeing the real deal first. I will return it with gifts as well. :)
So sorry Patrick, I'd be happy to send you one but, I don't have one. All my stuff is too old.
Someone will help you out!

thanks anyway. i really just need the measurements from it. i could just use my own but since someone already has done the work it would be easy to duplicate :)
I think I have a few laying around - will have a look today/tomorrow.

I remember switching to a longer SS allen head screw for completing the install.

Excellent product - I remember calling them and they reduced the shipping cost to 1st class USPS envelope rather than standard shipping
for single pack order.

In the meantime if you don't really need the sample - I can mic the set and post to your PM.

Whatever works as long as you return it, etc.
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OK so I found mine. Mic'd all the measurements. No way I'll post all that here. PM me and we can talk live and follow up.

These eyes are worth every cent IMHO. And I think the Guru product is the best one on the market. JMHO

There's some decent machining that has to be done to make them. These are tiny thin wall SS products. There is the eye, the mandrel and the crush bolt/capscrews.

I think the price is right - and other than standard shipping, don't know why I would want to make them myself. (see comments above on shipping)

Given the niche - don't know why I would try to compete to sell or make my own.

That said, PM with me and we can go over the details.

GURU reasonably local to me. I think I offered a bunch of years ago to approach them on a group buy and just mail out to members of this site at cost/postage.

Anyway my offer still stands for the group buy - and to provide measurements requested on the original post.
Would definitely stick with stainless. Just because of expansion characteristics and wall thickness of barrel. Very thing. with use aluminum wouldn't hold up IMHO
Does anyone have 1 eyelet they would be willing to send me. I am pretty sure I can make them myself but I would prefer seeing the real deal first. I will return it with gifts as well. :)

If you still need one, I have a few spares in my small grill parts box. Glad to help you out.
Most definitely! You'll need a standard round stock with a hole drilled through it - else you drill the holes yourself. You need to relief the top ends to create a flange on the mandrel and the eyelet then waste out to the proper barrerl diameter. The mandrel also needs a round over to provide a form to crimp the eye.

So just saying the Guru price for the kit is spot on and a deal IMHO. Giving the effort to make these and what comes with the kit.

I think the biggest issue is that this style is not removable without drilling them out - which is not an issue for me. There are some probes now that won't fit
in the ID of the eylet - but I think you can work around that.

Secondly if you are just buying an eyelet kit from Guru the shipping charges are a challenge. In that respect - I referenced this years ago. You call them directly
and they changed my shipping to USPS first class letter.

To me it's a huge waste of effort to turn these yourself unless you already have the material, mini lathe, and tools, etc.

Looks like Cleland is willing to send you one. I just sent you all my measurements and photos - so you should be able to have some fun!

The product works great. I put four in my 18" WSM years ago. I even bought enough to install in the Performer - but never needed them there. Thats the two I have
left and don't want to ship for someone to pattern unless they pay postage both ways. But don't want to risk that they won't come back :-)
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